Thursday, 23 June 2011

II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations-Dec, 2009

Code No: T0124
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations-Dec, 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. A cantilever of 6m length carries an U.D.L of 12 kN/m over the full span. If the free end
is supported by a prop, find the reaction at the prop and also draw the S.F. and B.M.
2. A fixed beam is shown in Fig. 2. Solve the beam and also draw the B M and S F
10kN 10kN
A 2m 1m 1m 2m B
Fig. 2
3. Draw the Shear force and bending moment diagram for the beam shown in Fig. 3. Use
Clapeyorn’s theorem of three moments. EI=1x105 N/mm2.
C 5kN/m A B
3m 2m 2m
Fig. 3
4. Determine the Reaction at A and the moment at B as shown in Fig. 4. Use Strain Energy
3m 3 m
Fig. 4
5. Two point loads of 4 kN and 6kN spaced 6m apart cross a girder of 16 m span, the 4 kN
load leading from left to right. Construct the maximum S.F. and B.M. diagrams, stating the
absolute maximum values.
6. Four wheel loads of 6, 4, 8 and 5 kN cross a girder of 20 m span, from left to right
followed by U.D.L. of 4kN/m and 4m long with the 6 kN load leading. The spacing
between the loads in the same order are 3m, 2m and 2m. The head of the U.D.L. is at 2m
from the last 5kN load. Using influence lines, calculate the S.F. and B.M. at a section 8m
from the left support when the 4 kN load is at centre of the span.

Code No: T0124
7. Find the force in the member BE of the frame shown in Fig. 7. Take AE is constant for all
the members.
A 1.8m B 2.4m C
Fig. 7
8. A continuous beam ABCD 12m long is fixed at A and D, and is loaded as shown in Fig.
8. Analyse the beam completely if the following moments take place simultaneously (i)
end B sinks 30 mm in downward direction, (ii) end C sinks 20 mm in downward direction.
The beam has constant l=33.20x105 mm4 and E=2x105 N/mm2. Use slope-deflection
8kN 4kN/m 6kN
A 2.5m B C 2m D
5m 3m 4m
Fig. 8

Code No: T0124
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations-Dec, 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. A propped cantilever beam is shown in Fig. 1. Calculate the prop Reaction and also draw
the BM & SF diagrams.
4kN/m 10kN
6m 2m 2m
Fig. 1
2. A fixed beam is shown in Fig.2. Solve the beam and also draw the B M and S F Diagrams.
40kN 100kN 40kN
2m 2m
2.5m 2.5m
Fig. 2
3. A continuous beam ABC consists of two spans AB of length 4m, and BC of length 3m.
The span AB carries a point load of 100 KN at its middle points. The span BC carries a
point load of 120 KN at 1m from C. The end A is fixed and the end C is simply supported.
Find :
a) The moments at the supports
b) The reactions at the supports and
c) Draw the B.M diagram
Use Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments.
4. a) Define Castiglione’s theorem-II and explain briefly.
b) A simply supported beam of span 10m carries a.u.d.l of 8 kN/m over the
entire span. Find the deflection the centre and slope at left support. Use unit
load method.
5 A uniformly distributed load of 1 kN per meter run, 6m long crosses a girder of 16m span.
Construct the maximum S.F. and B.M. diagram and calculate the values at section 3m, 5m
and 8m from the left hand support.

Code No: T0124
6. A simply supported girder has a span of 25m. Draw the influence line for shearing force at
a section 10m from one end, and using the diagram determine the maximum shearing
force due to the passage of a knife-edge load of 5kN, followed immediately by a uniformly
distributed load of 2.4 kN per meter extending over a length of 5m. The loads may cross in
either direction.
7.Find the force in the member BE of the frame shown in Fig. 7. Take AE is constant for
all the members. A B
40 kN 80kN
3m 3m
Fig. 7
8. Analyse the beam ABCD shown in Fig. 8 by Slope-Deflection method and draw bending
moment diagram.
20kN/m 60kN 20kN
2I B I 2m C I D
8m 4m 2m
Fig. 8

Code No: T0124
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations-Dec, 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. A cantilever of length ‘L’ carries a concentrated load ‘W’ at its mid-span. If the free end is
supported by a prop, find the reaction at the prop and also draw the S.F. and B.M.
2. Solve the fixed beam shown in Fig. 2. Draw BM & SF diagrams.
3m 3m
Fig. 2
3. Analyse the continuous beam shown in Fig. 3. Use three-moment equation. Draw S.F and
B.M diagrams.
A 4m 4m B 3m 3m C
Fig. 3
4. Analyse the continuous beam shown in Fig. 4 by Slope-Deflection method and draw
bending moment diagram.
60 kN 20kN/m 30 kN
4m 4m
1.5I B I C 2I
6m 3m 8m
Fig. 4
5. Plot the maximum bending moment diagram for a simply supported girder with the
following data: Two point loads of 3 kN (leading) and 6kN spaced 6m apart cross a girder
of 16 m span. Prove that the maximum B.M. occurs under 6 kN when 3 kN is off the span.

Code No: T0124
6. Determine the vertical deflection of Joint ‘C’ for the truss shown in Fig. 6.
Take A=500x10-6 m2, E=200x10 6 kN/m 2 are constant for ball members.
Use fictitious load method.
A 600 E D
10 kN
3m 3m
Fig. 6
7. The following system of concentrated loads roll from left to right on a span of 30 m,
4 kN load leading:
Load 5 5 10 10 10 k N
Spacing’s 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 metres
Draw the influence lines for Shearing force and bending moments at a point 10 m from the
left hand end, and determine the max. B.M and S.F at this point. The 5kN load is leads,
and the system may pass over the span in any direction.
8. Find the force in the member BE of the frame shown in Fig. 8. Take AE is constant for all
the members.
2.0 m
10 kN
1.5m 1.5m
Fig. 8

Code No: T0124
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations-Dec, 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. A cantilever of length 6m carries a u.d.l of 2 KN/m over a length of 4m starting from the
fixed end. The cantilever is propped rigidly at the free end. If the value of E=2x105 N/mm2
and I=108 mm4 then determine : (i)Reaction at the rigid drop, (ii) The deflection at the
center of the cantilever and (iii) Magnitude and position of maximum deflection.
2. A fixed beam is shown in Fig. 2 . Solve the beam and also draw the B M and S F
A 4m 4m B
Fig. 2
3. Analyse the continuous beam shown in Fig. 3. Use three-moment equation. Draw S.F and
B.M diagrams.
2kN 20kN
4m 6m
Fig. 3
4. The following system of the wheel loads crosses a span of 25 m.
Wheel load 16 16 20 20 20 kN
Distance between centres 3 3 4 4 m
Find the maximum value of bending moment and shearing force in the span.
5 A continuous beam of constant moment of Inertia is loaded as shown in Fig. 5. Find
support moments. Use Strain Energy method.
4000N 2000N
A 1m
8m 6m 3m
Fig. 5

Code No: T0124
6. A girder AB of length of 30m is simply supported at C and D which are 5 and 20 m
respectively from A. Draw the influence lines for B.M. and S.F. for the mid-point when
the girder is crossed by a uniformly distributed load ‘w’ kN per meter which can occupy
the whole or any part of the span.
7. Find the force in the member AC of the frame loaded as shown in Fig. 7. Take AE is
constant for all the members.
10 kN
Fig. 7
8.Analyse the continuous beam shown in Fig. 8 by Slope-Deflection method and draw
bending moment and shear force diagrams.
20 kN/m 70 kN
3I B 2I 2m
6m 6m
Fig. 8
Code No: V0223
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Common to EEE, ECE, E.CON.E, ECC)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Obtain the transfer function of the mechanical rotational system shown below
b) Discuss the effect of feedback in control systems.
2. a) Explain the working of AC servomotor and obtain its transfer function.
b) Find the overall gain C(s)/R(s) for the signal flow graph shown below.
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Code No: V0223
3 a) The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is G(s) = . Find
the minimum value of ‘K’ for which the steady state error is less than 0.1 for a unit ramp
b) Show that the steady state error becomes zero as the type of the system is increased.
4. The open loop transfer function of a system is G(s) = . Draw the root locus
and investigate the stability of the closed loop system. What is the value of K for which
the dominant pole of the closed loop transfer function lies on j axis.
5. The open loop transfer function of a certain unity feedback system is
G(s) =
Construct Bode plots and determine
i) The limiting value of ‘K’ for system to be stable.
ii) Value of ‘K’ for gain margin to be 10 dB.
iii) Value of ‘K’ for phase margin to be 500.
6. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by
G(s) =
Determine closed loop stability by applying Nyquist stability criterion.
7. A plant has the transfer function G(s) = . Design a PID controller so
that the system meets the specifications: Ka = 104, Phase margin = 700.
8. A system is characterized by the following state space equations.
+ U; t>0
Y =
i) Find the transfer function
ii) Compute the state transition matrix
iii) Solve the state equation for a unit step input under zero initial condition
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Code No: V0223
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Common to EEE, ECE, E.CON.E, ECC)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) For the mechanical system given below, write the differential equations and hence
b) Discuss the advantages and drawbacks of closed loop control systems?
2. a) Define path, loop, loop gain, non-touching loops forward path gain and explain
Mason’s gain formula
b) For the block diagram shown below using block diagram reduction technique obtain
output C due to R.
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Code No: V0223
3. a) For a unity feedback system with G(s) =
i) Find the static error constants
ii) Find the steady state error for r(t) = 3 u(t) + 5 t u(t).
b) Explain error constants Kp, Kv, Ka for type 1 and type 2 systems.
4. A unity feedback control system has an open loop transfer function
Sketch the root locus.
5. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is G(s) =
Determine gain margin and phase margin
6. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is G(s) =
Determine the closed loop stability by applying Nyquist criterion.
7. a) Explain phase lag and phase lead compensation networks.
b) Write the general expression for the transfer function of a PID controller. Explain how
tuning of a PID controller is done.
8. A system is characterized by the following state space equations.
+ U
Determine the state transition matrix.
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Code No: V0223
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Common to EEE, ECE, E.CON.E, ECC)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) For the mechanical system shown below. Find the transfer function X(s)/F(s).
b) Explain why feedback is employed in control systems and discuss how it improves the
performance of the system.
2. a) Explain the working of a synchro transmitter.
b) Find the overall gain C(s)/R(s) for the signal flow graph shown below.
3. a) A unity negative feedback control system has the plant G(s) =
i) Determine its peak overshoot and settling time (2% criterion) due to unit step input
ii) Determine the range of K for which settling time is less than 1 sec.
b) The open loop transfer function of a servo system is G(s)=
Determine damping ratio, natural frequency and peak time.
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SET - 3
Code No: V0223
4. a) For the following characteristic equation s4+ s3 + 5s2 + 4s + 4 = 0. Find the location
of roots in the complex S- plane and determine the stability of the system
b) Determine the range of ‘K’ for which the unity feedback system with
G(s) =
is stable.
5. A unity feedback control system has an open loop transfer function given by
G(s) H(s) =
. Sketch the bode plot and determine whether the system is
stable. Find gain margin, phase margin, gain cross over frequency and phase crossover
6. The loop transfer function of a certain control system is given by
G(s) H(s) =
Draw the Nyquist plot and determine the stability of the closed loop system whose
open loop transfer function is given above
7. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is G(s)=
Design a suitable compensator such that the system will have Kv = 10 and phase margin
= 500.
8. a) A single-input single-output system has the state and output equations
+ U; t>0
Y =
i) Find the transfer function
ii) Compute the state transition matrix by the Laplace transform method
b) The state equation of a linear system is given by
+ U. Obtain the state transition matrix
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SET - 3
Code No: V0223
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Common to EEE, ECE, E.CON.E, ECC)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a)What are the differences between open loop control and closed loop control
b) Obtain the transfer function of the mechanical system shown in below figure

2. a) Explain the block diagram reduction technique and what are the disadvantages
b) Derive the transfer function and develop the block diagram of Armature controlled DC
servo motor

a) Define the steady state error and error constants of different types of inputs
b) A unity feedback system is characterized by an open loop transfer function G(s)=
s(s 10)
. Determine the gain K so that the system will have a damping factor of 0.5. For
this value of K determine the natural frequency of the system. It is subjected to a unit step
input. Obtain the closed loop response of the system in time domain
a) What is mean by absolute stability and relative stability
b) Sketch the root locus plot for the system with open loop transfer G(s) =

+ + +

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Code No: V0223

5. a) Discuss the correlation between time domain and frequency domain specifications
b) Given the open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system G(s) =

+ +
Draw the Bode plot and measure from the plot the frequency at which the magnitude is 0 db.
6. a) Discuss the calculation of Gain cross over frequency and phase cross over frequency with
respect to the polar plots
b) Draw the Nyquist plot for a given transfer function G(s) =

+ +
7. a) What is the need of lead compensator? Derive its transfer function and draw the bode plot
b) Explain the design procedure for lag compensation in frequency domain

a) Develop the state model of linear time invariant systems
b) Determine the state model of the system for the following transfer function
s 6s 11s 4
2s s 5
3 2
+ + +
+ +

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Code No: T0521
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a)List the characteristics that affect the language evaluation criteria.
b) Discuss the characteristics that contribute to the readability of a programming language.
2. a) Write the unambiguous grammar for expressions. Using this grammar show a parse tree and
leftmost derivation for the statement A=B*C*(A+B))
b) Prove that the following grammar is ambiguous.
<S> <A>
<A> <A>+<A> / <id>
<id> a / b / c
3. a)What are the design issues of character string types? Describe the implementation of character
string types.
b) Define type compatibility. What are the limitations of each type?
4. a) What is an assignment? Describe the variety of assignment statements.
b) Discuss multiple selection constructs with examples.
5. a) Mention the different types of parameters. How are the actual parameters binded to formal to
formal parameters?
b) What are the advantages of static local variables over stack dynamic variables?
6. a) Describe briefly abstract data types in JAVA.
b) Describe dynamic binding with example.
7. a) How is exception handling done in JAVA?
b) Write about basic elements of PROLOG.
8. a) Write briefly about List functions.
b) Write the functional forms of LISP.

Code No: T0521
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Discuss the important features that have a significant effect on the reliability in a given
b) How does syntax of the elements of a language effects the readability of programs?
Give examples.
2. a) Give the BNF rules for an unambiguous grammar for “If-then-else”
Find out “if <Logic_Expr> then if <Logic_Expr> then <stmt> else <stmt> is
ambiguous or not?
b) Illustrate the associativity for A=B+(A+C).
3. a)Briefly write about pointers and reference types with example.
b) Discuss how pointers and references are represented internally and give the solutions to dangling
pointers problem.
4. a)What is short circuit evaluation?
b) Draw the flow graph for Dijkstra’s loop statement.
5. a) Write the differences between procedures and functions.
b) Write swap function with pointer parameters in c. Give an example.
6. a) Illustrate parameterized abstract data types in c++ with examples.
b) Illustrate “is a” relationship between a derived class and its parent class.
7. a) Write the design Issues of an exception handling system.
b) What is meant by binding exceptions to handlers? How is it done in c++?
8. a) What is influencing as used in ML?
b) What is meant by Lazy evaluation?
c) Describe the semantics of ‘cons’.

Code No:T0521
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) What is meant by pure interpretation? What is advantage of it? Also mention its disadvantages?
b) Describe the Von Neumann architecture of computer.
2. Write the denotational semantics for a program, Assignment statement, Expressions, Logical pretest
3. a) Define the scope. Illustrate the evaluation of static scoping for given program Structure
b) Is scope and lifetime of a variable related? Explain briefly with an example?
4. a) Write the design issues for logically controlled loops. Give some examples?
b) Give some examples for nesting selectors.
5. Describe parameter passing mechanisms with examples.
6. a) Discuss the concept of Multiple Inheritance in c++?
b) What is an overriding method? Give some example?
7.a) What is the purpose of java finally clause? Explain with an example.
b) Write some of the applications of logic programming.
8. a) Compare functional and imperative languages.
b) What are predicate functions for symbolic atoms and lists in LISP? Give examples.

Code No:T0521
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) What are the characteristics that decide the total cost of a programming language?
b) Briefly discuss the process of compilation with a diagram.
2. What is meant by weakest precondition? How is weakest precondition for sequence of statements
defined? Consider the sequence
What is the precondition for the last first assignment statements?
3. a) Describe briefly about the storage binding and lifetime of a variable.
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of dynamic scoping?
4. a) Discuss operator overloading for the following operators
(i) &
(ii) Division operation
b) Illustrate implicit type conversion and explicit type conversion with examples?
5. a) Discuss briefly about c++ generic functions.
b) In what ways are co routines different from conventional subprograms?
6. Illustrate Semaphores with an example.
7. a)What does it mean for an exception to be bound to an exception handler?
b) Discuss about event handler in JAVA.
8. a) Give general definitions of resolution and unification. What is the relationship
between resolution and unification in Prolog?
b) Illustrate some applications of Logic programming.

Code No: T0824
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Write the distinguishing features of Angle of internal friction and angle of repose. (4M)
b) The screen analysis shown below applies to a sample of crushed quartz. The density of
the particles is 2650 kg/m3 and the shape factors are: a = 2 and s = 0.571. For the material
between 4 mesh and 200 mesh in particle size calculate Aw in square millimeters per gram
and Nw in particles per gram. (12M)
Mesh.No. Dpi,
fraction, Xi
Mesh no. Dpi, mm Mass
fraction, Xi
4 4.699 0.0000 35 0.417 0.0210
6 30327 0.0251 48 0.295 0.0102
8 2.362 0.1250 65 0.208 0.0077
10 1.651 0.3207 100 0.147 0.0058
14 1.168 0.2570 150 0.104 0.0041
20 0.833 0.1590 200 0.074 0.0031
28 0.589 0.0538 Pan ……
2. Write in detail about the transport of solids with suitable examples (16M)
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Code No: T0824
3. a) Given general considerations for the selection of a machine for size reduction of a feed
to a product of size. (6M)
b) Discuss the effect of moisture content and size of feed particles on comminution
c) Suggest machine for comminution of
i) big lumps of hard rock
ii) filbrous materials. (4M)
4. a) Explain the working of continuous centrifuge with neat diagram (8M)
b) Derive an expression for determination of the effectiveness of a screen (8M)
5. a) A Plate & frame filter press filtering slurry; give a total of 25 m3 of filtrate in 30 minutes
and 35 m3 in 60 minutes when filtration was stopped. Estimate the Washing time in
minutes if 10 m3 of wash water are used. The resistance of the cloth can be neglected and a
constant pressure is used throughout. (8M)
b) Discuss about fouling of Membranes briefly (4M)
c) What is Cross flow filtration? Explain briefly (4M)
6. a) Discuss briefly Sludge Separators (8M)
b) Write short notes on applications of micro filtration (4M)
c) Write short notes on froth flotation (4M)
7. a) Estimate the Power requirement for a Turbine mixer operating in a tank of 1.8 m
diameter containing a liquid of density 1.3 g/cm3 and viscosity 12 cp at a speed of 150 rpm.
It has been observed that under otherwise identical conditions for the same mixer, the
power consumption was found to be 24 kWh for a liquid density 1.1g/cc and Viscosity 3 cp
at a speed of 90 rpm. (8M)
b) Write Short notes on Dispersion of liquids in Liquids (8M)
8. a) What are the various ways to achieve super saturation? (8M)
b) Write short notes on surface growth coefficients (4M)
c) What you understand about invariant crystals (4M)
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Code No: T0824
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Write short notes on Ribbon blenders (6M)
b) The screen analysis shown below applies to samples of crushed quartz. The density
of the particles is 2650 kg/m3 and the shape factors are: a = 2 and s = 0.571. What
fraction of the total number of particles is in the 150/200 mesh increment? (10M)

! "
" !
! "





" # $$$

2. Explain different types of Pneumatic conveyors in details. (16M)
3. a) 3.0 kW has to be supplied to a material crushing at the rate of 0.3 kg/s from12.5 mm
cubes to a product of 3.1 mm. What would be the rate at which same material should be
supplied to the machine if its power consumption remains same to get the product of 2
mm cube? (8M)
b) Discuss various variables that affect the power requirement of a crusher. (8M)
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Code No: T0824
4. a) Describe the working of a rotary drum filter with neat sketch (12M).
b) What you understand about cut diameter and blinding (4M)
5. a) A Rotary filter, operating at 2 rpm, filters 100 lt/min. Operating under the same
Vacuum and neglecting the resistance of the filter cloth, at what speed must the filter be
operated to give a filtration rate of 2000 lt/min (8M)
b) Derive expression for volumetric flow rate of liquid ‘q’ for the case of centrifugal
filtration (8M)
6. a) Discuss Differential settling methods in detail and derive following expression
in Newton’s law range
r r
r r

b) Write briefly the Principle involved in Sink-and Float method (6M)
7. a) A flat bladed turbine with six blades is installed centrally in a vertical tank. The tank
is 1.83 m in diameter; the turbine is 0.61m in diameter and is positioned 0.61 from the
bottom of the tank. The turbine blades are 127 mm wide. The tank is filled to a depth of
1.83 m with a solution of 50 percent caustic soda, at 650C which has a viscosity of 12
cP and a density of 1498 kg/m3. The turbine is operated at 90 rpm. The tank is baffled.
What Power will be required to operate the mixer? (Power No vs Reynolds No graph
should be provided) (8M)
b) Explain the difference between Agitation and Mixing (4M)
c) Name the different types of impellers commonly used for agitation of fluids (4M)
8. a) Explain the growth rate of crystallization? (8M)
b) Write short notes on nucleation and growth. (8M)
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Code No: T0824
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Crushed galena from a ball mill has the following screen analysis:
Mesh no. Dpi, mm Mass fraction, Xi
28 0.589 0.000
35 0.417 0.150
48 0.295 0.200
65 0.208 0.171
100 0.147 0.134
150 0.104 0.104
200 0.074 0.080
Pan ………. 0.161
i) Present the information in the form of a histogram.
ii) Determine the average particle diameter based on weight. (10M)
b) Describe with figures double-motion paste mixers. (6M)
2. Write the classification of conveyers for the transportation of solids and explain any
conveying system with details (16M)
3. a) Explain briefly energy consumption in size reduction equipments with the help of
energy consumption versus product size diagram (8M)
b) Write short notes on fluid energy mill with neat sketch (8M)
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Code No: T0824
4. a) Write the comparison between ideal and actual screen with the help of cut
diameter (8M)
b) Explain the working of plate and frame filter press with a neat diagram. (8M)
5. a) The following relation between a and DP for CaCO3slurry has been determined
a =8.8 10 [1 3.36 ( ) ] 10 0.76 × + × DP
A slurry of this material giving 3 kg of cake solid/m3 of filtrate is to be filtered at
a pressure drop of 1 atm. and at a temperature of 300 C. A Vacuum Continuous
filter is used to filter 5600 lt/hr of filtrate from this slurry. Calculate the filter area
required is the cycle time is 3 min and the drum submergence is 50 %. Take Rm =
1.2×1010 min-1. (12M)
b) Classify the membranes based on size range of the particles (4M)
6. a) Discuss briefly the Principle involved in Centrifugal Settling Processes (6M)
b) Write briefly about
i) Batch Sedimentation (5M)
ii) Flocculation (5M)
7 a) An agitated vessel 1.83 m in diameter contains a six-blade straight-blade turbine
0.61 m in diameter, set one impeller diameter above the vessel floor, and rotating at
80 r/min. It is proposed to use this vessel for neutralizing a dilute aqueous solution
of NaOH at 21.10C with a stoichiometrically equivalent quantity of concentrated
nitric acid (HNO3). The final depth of liquid in the vessel is to be 1.83m. Assuming
that all the acid is added to the vessel at one time, how long will it take for the
neutralization to be complete? Given density of liquid 1013.939 kg/m3 and viscosity
of liquid= 0.982cP (centipoises.) (Graph of mixing time factor (ntT) vs Reynolds No
(NRe) is to be provided) (8M)
b) Compare the Characteristics of paddle, turbine and propeller mixers (8M)
8 a) Define/explain the following terms:
(i) Crystal (ii) magma (iii) mother liquor (iv) eutectic mixture (8M)
b) How do the following factors govern the rate of (I) primary and (II) secondary
(i) Level of super saturation
(ii) Interfacial tension
(iv) Temperature
(v) Molar volume of the solid (8M)
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Code No: T0824
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Estimate the specific surface and volume –surface mean diameter of a sample of
galena (specific gravity=7.43) having the screen analysis below: (8M)
Average size, davg
Mass fraction
0.521 0.01
0.4056 0.04
0.2876 0.081
0.19995 0.115
0.14005 0.16
0.10215 0.148
0.0717 0.132
0.0506 0.081
0.0358 0.062
0.02535 0.041
0.0181 0.036
0.01275 0.022
0.00895 0.019
0.0045 0.053
b) Distinguish between kneaders, dispersers and masticators. (8M)
2. Write short notes on
i) Bucket elevators (8M)
ii) Pneumatic conveyors (8M)
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Code No: T0824
3. a) A material is crushed in a jaw crusher and the average particle size is reduced from
10 cm to 4 cm with a consumption of energy of 4kWh per tone. What will be the
consumption of energy per tone to crush the same material from 4 cm to 0.5 cm,
assuming Rittinger’s law and Kick’s law to be valid? (10M)
b) Explain the operation of ball mill with neat sketch (6M)
4. a) Discuss on the washing and dewatering of filter cakes in a rotary drum filter (8M)
b) Write short notes on filter aids (8M)
5. a) A rotary drum filter with 30 percent submergence is to be used to filter concentrated
aqueous slurry of CaCO3 containing 236 kg of solids per m3 of water. The pressure
drop is to be 1.4037×109 N/m2. If the filter cake contains 50 percent moisture (wet
basis), calculate the filter area required to filter 3.7854×104 cm3 /min of slurry when
the filter cycle time is 5 min. Assume that the specific cake resistance is
0.26 a = 2.90× DP and that the filter medium resistance Rm is negligible. The temperature
is 200C. (8M)
b) Draw figure showing Pressure gradients (section through filter medium & cake)
and Explain pressure drop through filter cake in detail (8M)
6. a) Explain the principle and working operation of a Hydro cyclone (5M)
b) Write briefly about settling flux, transport flux and total flux pertaining to
Continuous Thickener (5M)
c) Specify the type of equipment you would use in conveying the following materials.
Give reasons for your choice (6M)
i) Soda Ash from calcining pans to storage
ii) Bamboo chips from chipper house to silos
iii) Pulverized coal from crusher to a hopper 10 meters high from ground level
7. a) Derive an Expression for the calculation of Power required to drive the impeller of
an agitated vessel (8M)
b) What are the values of typical proportions for a standard turbine design in ordinary
agitation problem? Explain with a neat sketch (8M)
8. a) What do you mean by nucleation? What are the different types of nucleation? What
are the important factors that influence the rate of nucleation? (8M)
b) ) Write short notes on fluid –shear nucleation (4M)
c) Write the application of Kelvin’s equation in crystallization (4M)
2 of 2Code No: T1024/R07 Set No. 1
II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, December 2009
(Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Define and derive expression for the following for a second order system.
i. Resonant frequency
ii. Resonant peak
iii. Bandwidth
(b) A second order system has a natural frequency of 10Hz and a damping ration
of 0.3. Calculate the value of resonant frequency and the magnitude ratio at
this frequency. Calculate the bandwidth. [8+8]
2. (a) Describe in brief two types of wire wound strain gauges mentioning their typ-
ical size, resistance, maximum excitation voltage, and construction material.
(b) The resistance of a strain gauge is 120 ohm and Gf= 2. It is connected to
a current sensitive Wheatstone bridge in which resistance on all arms is 120
ohm. If the input voltage is 4V and the resistance of the galvanometer is 100
ohm, calculate the detector current in μA for μ strain. [8+8]
3. (a) Describe the circuit of a three op-amp configuration of an instrumentation
(b) A Wheat stone bridge is shown in fig. 3 The value of resistances are P = 1 k

, R = 1 k
, S = 5 k
, G = 100
. The Thevenin source generator voltage
E0 = 24 mV and the galvanometer current is 13.6μ A. Calculate the value of
Q. [8+8]
Figure 3
4. Explain the principle of operation of capacitive transducers based on variable di-
electric and variable area type. How do you measure liquid level using capacitive
transducer, explain. [16]
1 of 2
Code No: T1024/R07 Set No. 1
5. (a) Explain how variable oscillators are classified. Explain working of any one of
(b) How resolver to digital converters are constructed. Explain its working.[8+8]
6. (a) Explain the theory of radiation pyrometers.
(b) Describe the different radiation receiving elements. [8+8]
7. (a) Explain the operation of Charge amplifier.
(b) How the frequency response limitation of Chopper amplifier is overcome.[8+8]
8. (a) With a neat sketch, explain the operation of vibrating cylinder sensor
(b) What is a frequency sensor? Where it is used? Explain in detail. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
2 of 2
Code No: T1024/R07 Set No. 2
II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, December 2009
(Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) A first order instrument which has a time constant of 0.5 sec. is subjected to
an input of 2 sin 3t 5 sin 30t fine the response of the instrument
(b) Define the terms
i. Precision
ii. Dead space,
iii. Hysteresis
iv. Resolution. [8+8]
2. (a) What is difference between metallic & semiconductor strain gauges? Describe
the principle of working and constructional details for the bonded type strain
(b) How is the force on cantilever beam measured by using strain gauge elements?
Find the output in volts/micro strain. [8+8]
3. (a) What are the difficulties encountered in the measurement of high resistance?
Explain how to overcome those difficulties?
(b) A regular Wheatstone bridge is used to measure high resistances (in the
megohm range). The bridge has ratio arms of 10,000
and 10
.The ad-
justable arm has a maximum value of 10,000
. A battery of 10V emf and
negligible resistance is connected from the junction of ratio arms to the oppo-
site corner?
i. What is the maximum resistance that can be measured by this arrange-
ii. If the galvanometer has a sensitivity of 200mm/μA and a resistance of
, how much unbalance is needed to give a galvanometer deflection of
1mm for the maximum resistance of part (i)?
iii. If the galvanometer of part (ii) is replaced by a galvanometer of sensitiv-
ity of 1000 mm/μA and a resistance of 1000
, calculate the change in
resistance to cause a deflection of 1mm. [8+8]
4. (a) Is it possible to measure relative humidity by means of a capacitive transducer?
Show how the capacitance variation is measured.
(b) Explain how moisture content in grain, and granulated powder can be mea-
sured by means of a capacitive transducer. [8+8]
5. (a) With the help of neat sketch explain the construction and working of digital
to resolver converters also explain its applications.
1 of 2
Code No: T1024/R07 Set No. 2
(b) Explain the application of LVDT for linear displacement measurement with
help of neat sketch. Also explain what is residual voltage. [8+8]
6. (a) A copper-constantan thermocouple was found to have linear calibration be-
tween 00C to 4000C with emf at maximum temperature equal to 20.68 mV.
i. Determine the correction which must be made to the indicated emf if the
cold junction temperature is 250C.
ii. If the indicated emf is 8.92 mV in the thermocouple circuit. Determine
the temperature of the hot junction.
(b) Explain the detectors used in radiation pyrometers. [8+8]
7. (a) With a schematic diagram, explain the operation of Instrumentation amplifier.
(b) List the characteristics of Instrumentation amplifier. [10+6]
8. (a) Write short notes on Magneto transistors.
(b) Give the important features and applications of vibrating wire arc weldable
strain gauge. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
2 of 2
Code No: T1024/R07 Set No. 3
II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, December 2009
(Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Derive an expression for time response of a 2nd order under damped system
when subjected to unit ram input. Show that the nature of the response is
the same as that for a unit step input. Fine an expression for the steady state
(b) Define accuracy and precision of a measuring instrument with suitable exam-
ples. [8+8]
2. (a) Distinguish between bonded and unbonded strain gauges. List the main ad-
vantages of semiconductor strain gauges.
(b) Describe the principle of operation of Hotwire anemometer. Explain about
constant-temperature method. [8+8]
3. (a) With neat diagram explain the differential instrumentation amplifier using
Transducer Bridge.
(b) Define the term null as it applies to bridge measurement? [10+6]
4. (a) Discuss the problems encountered while measuring small displacements by
capacitive transducers.
(b) Show that a parallel plate capacitor serves as the most suitable transducer for
measurement of linear and angular displacements. [8+8]
5. (a) What two conditions must be satisfied to make an ac bridge balance?
(b) A capacitance comparison bridge (similar angle bridge) is used to measure a
capacitive impedance at a frequency of 2 kHz. The bridge constants at balance
are C3 =100 μF, R1 =10k
, R2=50k
, R3=100 k
, Find the equivalent series
circuit of the unknown impedance. [8+8]
6. (a) Describe the construction, theory and working of thermocouples.
(b) The emitted radiant energy from a piece of metal is measured and the tem-
perature is found to be 10650C assuming a surface emissivity of 0.82. It was
later found that the true emissivity is 0.75. Calculate the error in temperature
measurement. [8+8]
7. (a) With the help of schematic diagram, explain operation of Auto Zero amplifier.
(b) With the help of schematic diagram, explain operation of Composite Amplifier.
1 of 2
Code No: T1024/R07 Set No. 3
8. (a) How junction semiconductor diodes are used as temperature sensors? What
are the factors on which the output of the sensor depend?
(b) How are quartz crystal resonators used as temperature sensors? How is reso-
nant frequency related to temperature. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
2 of 2
Code No: T1024/R07 Set No. 4
II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, December 2009
(Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Derive the expression for time response a 2nd order system subjected to unit
impulse input. Sketch its response.
(b) The true value of voltage across a resistor is 50V. The measurement finds a
value of 49V. Calculate
i. The absolute error
ii. The percent error,
iii. The percent accuracy. [8+8]
2. (a) What is the gauge sensitivity? Explain with a neat sketch to find the sensi-
tivity of a half bridge.
(b) A steel cantilever is 0.25 long, 20mm wide and 4mm thick. Calculate the value
os deflection at free end for the cantilever when a force of 252 n is applied at
this end. Te modulus of elasticity for steel is 200GN/m2 [8+8]
3. (a) Draw a system whose gain controlled by an adjustable resistance and explain?
(b) Describe the ammeter ?voltmeter method of measurement of resistance with
neat diagram. [8+8]
4. (a) How is angular displacement measured using capacitive transducer?
(b) Describe clearly the principle of constructing a capacitive transducer using
Quartz diaphragms. [8+8]
5. (a) Explain the construction and working of pressure inductive transducer.
(b) Derive an expression for unknown capacitance Cx in the capacitance compar-
ison bridge. [8+8]
6. Explain clearly the concept of loading effects and frequency response of piezo-
electric transducer. [16]
7. (a) Write short notes on Electrometer amplifier.
(b) What is the effect of noise in Electrometer amplifier. [8+8]
8. (a) Explain the principle of working of SAW-device thermometer? Draw the char-
(b) Classify encoders? Explain the principle of working of Incremental position
encoder. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
1 of 1
Code No: T1122/R07 Set No. 1
II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, December 2009
(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Explain the following characteristics:
(a) Linearity
(b) Accuracy
(c) Range
(d) Frequency response. [4×4]
2. What is thermistor? Give the basic science of the thermistor with circuit symbols
and packing style. A thermistor has a positive temperature coefficient of +0.002

/0c at 250c . What is its resistance at 98.60c if the normal resistance is 12.1k

? [3+6+7]
3. (a) Give the classification of infrared detectors in temperature measurement and
explain any one detector.
(b) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of photovoltalic cells. [9+7]
4. (a) Explain how temperature compensation is achieved in measurement using
strain gauges.
(b) Describe the applications of LVDT in biomedical engineering. [8+8]
5. (a) Explain in detail the diaphragm displacement pressure transducer.
(b) Give a detailed account of translational accelerometers. [8+8]
6. How do you measure blood pressure? What are the methods and explain them in
brief? [4+12]
7. Describe in detail the limb blood flow measurement using impedance plethysmog-
raphy. [16]
8. (a) Explain the principle behind bioelectric amplifiers.
(b) Write about differentiator circuit with neat schematic and derive the equation
for the output voltage. [6+10]
? ? ? ? ?
1 of 1
Code No: T1122/R07 Set No. 2
II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, December 2009
(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Explain the following characteristics:
(a) Linearity
(b) Accuracy
(c) Range
(d) Frequency response. [4×4]
2. What is thermistor? Give the basic science of the thermistor with circuit symbols
and packing style. A thermistor has a positive temperature coefficient of +0.002

/0c at 250c . What is its resistance at 98.60c if the normal resistance is 12.1k

? [3+6+7]
3. (a) Write note on chemical thermometry. [8]
(b) Explain the terms:
i. Radiation thermometry
ii. Clinical thermometry. [4+4]
4. Define inductive transducer? How many types of these are in use? Describe
L.V.D.T in detail with necessary schematics. [16]
5. Write short notes on:
(a) Elastic transducer
(b) Capacitive transducer.
(c) Optical transducer. [5+6+5]
6. Give the principle and setup for ultrasonic blood pressure measurement what trans-
ducers would you recommend for this measurement? [16]
7. Describe in detail the limb blood flow measurement using impedance plethysmog-
raphy. [16]
8. (a) Describe the role of telemetry in medicine.
(b) Explain operation amplifier with block diagram. [6+10]
? ? ? ? ?
1 of 1
Code No: T1122/R07 Set No. 3
II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, December 2009
(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) What is aliasing? Explain how it can be minimized?
(b) What is the effect of hysteresis in biomedical transducers explain in detail?
2. (a) Explain the principle and measurement of temperature using a thermocouple.
(b) What are the medical applications of thermistors. Explain in detail. [8+8]
3. What is a radiation thermometer? How is it used in medical thermometry? [4+12]
4. With a diagram describe the principle of operation of an L.V.D.T transducer and
the phase sensitive detector used with it. What are its biomedical applications?
Briefly describe two applications of L.V.D.T. [9+3+4]
5. (a) Explain the differentiation and integration techniques that are used to measure
distance related parameters.
(b) Explain the operation of piezoelectric transducers. Mention its applications.
6. Describe the noninvasive method of blood pressure measurement using electronic
processing? What are the limitations of the method and how can they be overcome?
7. Explain how blood flow rate can be measured using Doppler technique. [16]
8. (a) Describe portable telemetry system with diagram.
(b) Explain the term CMRR
(c) Write a note on log amplifier. [8+3+5]
? ? ? ? ?
1 of 1
Code No: T1122/R07 Set No. 4
II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, December 2009
(Bio-Medical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Explain Signal to noise ratio with reference to the bio transducers.
(b) Explain Stability with reference to the bio transducers.
(c) A wheat stone bridge shown below consisting the following resistance R1=2
K­, R2
= 1 K­, R3 = 10 K­ & R4 = 5 K­. Show that the null condition exists.(figure
1 [5+5+6]
Figure 1:
2. What is thermograph? Describe in detail with thermo graphic unit for medical use.
How it can be used in determination of disease? [2+8+6]
3. (a) Write note on chemical thermometry. [8]
(b) Explain the terms:
i. Radiation thermometry
ii. Clinical thermometry. [4+4]
4. Describe the effect of load resistance on potentiometer transducer linearity. Explain
how it can be corrected. [16]
5. Explain principle behind photo- electric and piezoelectric transducers and its bio-
medical applications. [8+8]
6. How do you measure blood pressure? What are the methods and explain them in
brief? [4+12]
7. What is the use of dilution technique in medical diagnosis? Describe thermo dilu-
tion method. [16]
8. (a) Explain the principle behind bioelectric amplifiers.
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Code No: T1122/R07 Set No. 4
(b) Write about differentiator circuit with neat schematic and derive the equation
for the output voltage. [6+10]
? ? ? ? ?
2 of 2
Code No: T1221
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) What is an Operating Systems? Draw and explain the conceptual view of computer
b) Briefly describe the classification of operating systems.
2. a) What is co-operating process? Briefly describe the importance of PCB.
b) State and explain different types of schedulers.
3. a) What is the meaning of the term busy waiting? What other kinds of waitings are there
in an operating systems? Can busy waiting be avoided altogether? Explain your answer.
b) What is spin locks? Explain why sopin locks are not appropriate for uniprocessor
4. a) What is dynamic relocation?
b) Explain the concept of swapping? Discuss the need of swapping.
c) With an example, explain continuous memory allocation.
5. a) What is deadlock? Describe the necessary conditions for deadlock.
b) With an example, Explain Resource Allocation Grapgh.
6. a) What is DVMA? With a neat diagram, Explain the involed steps in DMA transfer.
b) Describe blocking and non-blocking I/O.
7. a) Describe Host-Attached storage and Network-Attached stortage.
b) With an example, explain any three disk scheduling algorithms.
8. a) What is role based access control? Describe the schemes that implement revocation of
access rights.
b) Describe Hydra’s capability-based system.

Code No: T1221
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) What are different reasons to study the Operating systems? Discuss the basic functions
of Operating systems.
b) Explain realtime opertating systems
2. a) Explain five-process state tranisition diagram? What is the need of context switch?
b) What are the differences between user level threads and kernel supported threads.
3. a) Explain the concept of transaction atomicity.
b) Show that two phase locking protocol ensures conflict serializability.
4. a) What is demand paging? List the advantages and disadvantages of demand paged
b) In a uniprocessor system with demandpaged memory, 200ns is required to satisfy
memory request if the page is in main memory. If a page is not in main memory, the
request takes 7ms if a free frame is available and if a free frame is not available it takes
15ms. What is the effective access time if the page fault rate is 5% and 50% of the time
the page to be replaced has been modified.
5. a) What is polling? With a neat diagram, Explain in detail about “A typical PC bus
b) Explain how system is recovered from Deadlock.
6. a) Explain the File System Software Architecture.
b) What is Record blocking? Describe any two available methods for record blockig.
7. a) What is Swap-map? Describe Swap-space management.
b) Describe the implementation of RAID.
8. a) What is access matrix? Descibe the implementation of access matrix.
b) What is Language based protection? Describe Compile-based enforcement.

Code No: T1221
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) What are the main purposes of an operating systems?
b) Briefly describe about Multi programmed, Timeshared, Parallel, Distributed operating
c) What is mainframe systems.
2. a) What are the benefits of Threads? Compare thread with a process.
b) Discuss the three types of scheduling to control the degree of multi-programming.
3. a) What is critical section (CS)? What are the requirements for CS problem?
b) Explain the multiprocess solution for CS problem.
4. a) What is address binding? Explain the functions of memory management.
b) What is fragmentation? Explain the internal and external fragmentation.
5. a) What is a file? Describe the concept of file sharing.
b) How the protections are provided to the files from the operating system.
6. a) What are the advantages and disadvatages of supporting memory mapped I/O to device
control registers?
b) What are STREAMS? Describe the STREAM structure.
7. a) What is recovery? Describe the different ways of recovery.
b) Describe the different ways to implement the directory.
8. a) Describe the goals of protection.
b) Discuss the strength and weakness of implementing an access matrix using access lists
that are associated with Objects.
1 of 1

Code No: T1221
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Information Technology)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) Explain the multiprocessor systems?
b) Discuss the advantages of distributed operating systems?
2. a) Compare and contrast User level threads and kernel level threads.
b) Describe UNIX/LINUX process state transition diagram.
3. a) What is race condition? With the help of example, describe how race condition can be
b) Discuss wether semaphore satisfy the three requirements for a solution to the critical
section problem.
4. a) What is Thrashing? Describe the cause of thrashing.
b) What is pure demand paging? Describe the performance of demand paging.
5. a) Describe in detail about the characterstics of I/O devices.
b) What is interrupt request line? Explain interrupt-drive i/o cycle.
6. a) Describe the implementatio of file systems structure.
b) Explain the i)Bit vector, ii) Grouping, iii) Linkedlisk and iv) Counting Free space
management methods.
7. a) What is recovery? Describe the different ways of recovery.
b) Describe in detail about the RAID levels.
8. a) What is protection domain? Describe the domain structure.
b) What is Language based protection? Describe protection mechansim used in Java.
1 of 1

Code No: T2126
II B.Tech II Semeste
Time: 3 Hours
All Questions

1. a) For the linkage shown in figure determine the degrees of freedom.
b) Explain crank-rocker mechanism, and double cra
2. A single cylinder reciprocating engine mechanism ha
connecting rod 36cm length. The engine speed is 200
of the piston. Also determine the angular accelerat
acceleration of the piston when the engine is speeding
50rpm/s at 100 rpm clockwise speed for crank angle 45
relative velocity method.
3. For the mechanism shown in figure determine all the
Determine (a) Angular velocities of links 4 and 5.
Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Aeronautical engineering)
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
carry equal marks
crank mechanism with neat sketches.
has a crank of 8 cm length and
200rpm cw. Determine the acceleration
acceleration of connecting rod. What is the
leration up with an angular acceleration of
0with the line of stroke. Use the
instantaneous centres
(b) Velocity of point P.

nk s rpm ion

4. A turbine rotor of a ship is of mass 3500kg. It has
speed of 3000 rpm, clockwise when looking from st
and its effect upon the ship.
a) when the ship is steering to the le
b) When the ship is pitching in a simple harmonic moti
velocity. The period of pitching is 40 seconds and
extreme positions of pitching is 12
5. Draw the profile of a cam
revolution, keep it fully raised through 1/12 revol
motion in 1/6 revolution. The valve remains closed during the rest
diameter of the roller is 2cm and the minimum radiu
of the cam shaft is 2.5cm. The axis of the valve rod passes th
shaft. Assume the shaft to rotate with a uniform velocity.
6. A Universal coupling is used to connect two mild st
500N-m. Assuming that the shafts are subjected to torsio
shafts and pins. The allowable shear stresses for the s
and 20 Mpa respectively.
7. An epicyclic gear train is shown in figure. Find out t
rotates at 60 rpm in anticlockwise direction.
Tb=120, Tc=60, Td=40.
8. Write short notes on any three of the following
a) Hart’s straight line mechanism
b) Different cams and followers
c) Analysis of springs in series and parallel
d) Law of gearing

a radius of gyration of 0.45m and a
stern. Determine the gyroscopic couple
left on a curve of 100m radius at a speed of 36km/hr.
motion, the bow falling with its maximum
the total angular displacement
m to raise a valve with harmonic motion through 5 cm
revolution and to lower it with harmonic
volution. of the revolution. The
radius of the cam is 2.5cm. The diameter
through the axis of the ca
steel shafts transmitting a torque
torsion only find the diameter of the
shaft and pin may be taken as 60M
pa the rpm of pinion D if the arm A
Number of teeth on wheels is
– their uses

yration . ft ow between the two
in 1/3 of
ution rough cam
eel of
n haft 60Mpa
he given below.

Code No:
II B.Tech II Semeste
Time: 3 Hours
All Questions carry
1. a) An engine bar mechanism is shown in figure. Determi
b) Explain Double rocker mechanism and reciprocating e
2. For the linkage shown in figure determine the angul
and 4 are vertical and links 3 and 5 are horizontal

Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Aeronautical engineering)
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
equal marks
Determine the degrees of freedom.
engine mechanism with neat
angular velocities of each link when links 2
horizontal. Use relative velocity method.

ne ngine ar .

3. For the mechanism shown in the figure determine all
angular velocities of links 4 and 5 and velocities
4. A motor cycle and its rider together have a mass of
gravity is 0.6m above the ground level when the motor cycle
is of 0.6m diameter and has a moment of
engine have a moment of
the road wheels and in the same sense. Determine th
motor cycle is rounding a curve of 30m radius at a speed of 55km/hr.
5. A cam with convex flanks operating a flat faced followe
7.5cm and nose radius of 1 cm. The lift of the foll
about a line drawn through the centre of nose and c
action is 1200. Determine maximum velocity, acceleration and
when the cam shaft rotates at 600 rpm.
6. A shaft made of mild steel is required to transmit
length of the shaft is 3m. It carries
distance of 1m from the en
7. The following data refers to two mating involute ge
teeth on pinion 20, Gear ratio 2, speed of pinion 250rpm, module 12mm
of each wheel is such that the path of approach and path of recess o
the maximum possible length each, find (a
maximum sliding velocity during approach and recess
8. Write short notes on any three of the
a) Tabular method to analyze
b) Explain the principle of pantograph
c) Roller follower with straight flank. Derive the
d) Fits and tolerances.
instantaneous centres. Determine
of points P1, P2, P3.
200kg and their combined centre of
is upright. Each road wheel
inertia, of 1kg-m2. The rotating parts of the
inertia 0.17kg-m2. The engine rotates at 5.5 times the spe
the angle of wheel necessary when the
ding follower has base circle diameter
follower is 1.9cm. The cam is sy
centre of cam shaft. The total angle of
100kW at 300rpm. The supported
two pulleys each weighing 1500N
ends respectively. Determine the diameter of the shaf
gears of 200 pressure angle. Number of
, 12mm. If the addendum
on each side one half
a) Addendum for both the wheels
epicyclic gear trains. Explain with an example.
velocity and acceleration

speed of
heel of
entre of the follower
N supported at a
ds shaft.
. n wheels, (b) The
lic follower.

Code No:
II B.Tech II Semeste
Time: 3 Hours
All Questions carry equal

1. A Seven bar linkage is shown in figure. Determine t
b) Explain rotary engine and oscillating cylinder engine with
2. For the slider crank mechanism shown, determine the
rod and velocity of piston. Use centre method (
are as follows.
02A=4cm, AB=7cm,
Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Aeronautical engineering)
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
the degrees of freedom.
neat sketches.
angular velocity at the connecting
Instantaneous centre method)
A=A 0 B 45 ,w 25 rod / s cw 2
Ð = =
1of 2
he method). Dimensions

3. Determine the velocity of slider C of a whitworth m
crank is rotating at 1450rpm cw. Use relative veloc
4. A racing car weighs 20k
c.g.0.30m above the ground level and lies midway between the
engine fly wheel rotates at 3000rpm clockwise when viewed from
of inertia of the fly wheel is 4kg
the reaction between the wheels and the ground when the
towards right at 30km/hr, taking into consideration
Each wheel radius is 0.4m.
5. From the following data draw the profile of a cam i
SHM during ascent while it moves with uniformly acce
Lift of follower 4cm, least radius of ca
between ascent and descent 42
between line of action of follower and the axis of
anticlockwise, find the maximum velocity and accele
6. A pair of 200 full depth involute sp
module 4mm are in mesh. The smaller gear rotates at
at engagement and disengagement of pair of a teeth
7. Design a cast iron protective type
electric motor to a compressor. The service factor
following permissible stresses may be used.
Shear stress for shaft, bolt and key material 40
80Mpa, shear stress for ca
8. Write short notes on any three of the following
a) Tchebocheff’s mechanism
b) Coriolis acceleration
c) Sketch different types of cams of followers
d) Simple and reverted gear tra
mechanism shown in figure when the
velocity method.
20kN. It has a wheel base of 2m, track width 1m and hei
front and
the front. The moment
4kg-m2 and moment of inertia of each wheel is 3kg
car takes a curve of 15m radius
the gyroscopic and centrifugal effects.
in which the follower moves with
HM accelerated motion during descent.
cam 5cm, angle of ascent 480, angle
0, Angle at descent 600, diameter of roller 3cm, distance
cam 2cm; if the cam rotates at 360rpm
acceleration of the follower during
spur gears having 30 and 500 teeth respectively of
1000 rpm. Find (a) Sliding velocity
(b) contact ratio.
flange coupling to transmit 15kW at 900 rpm from an
may be assumed as 1.35. The
ollowing Mpa, crushing stress for bolt and key
pa, cast iron 8Mpa. Draw neat sketch of the coupling.
ted trains
2 of 2
echanism . height of
rear axle. The
3kg-m2. Find
lerated of dwell
er ration g pa, pa.
Code No:
II B.Tech II Semeste
Time: 3 Hours
All Questions carry equal mark

1. Find the degrees of freedom for the fi
b) Explain scotch yoke and oldhams coupling with neat sketches
2. A reciprocating engine has a crank 8cm
engine speed is 2000 rpm ccw. When the crank is mak
determine the velocity of piston. What is the angul
determine the velocity of
3. Figure shows a four bar mechanism. The dimensions a
0204=8cm 02A=4cm, AB=4cm, 0
0 0 60 , 0
2 4
ÐA = w
Determine all the instantaneous centres
Use the configuration with coupler away from the fi
Semester (R07) Supply Examinations, Dec- 2009
(Aeronautical engineering)
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
five bar linkage shown in figure.
long and connecting rod of length 30cm. The
making 450 with the
angular velocity of the connecting rod? Also
midpoint of the connecting rod. Use relative velocity method.
are as follows.
w2=20 rod/s cw
and find the angular velocities of links 3 and 4.
fixed link.
1 of 2
line of stroke,

4. The propeller of aero weighs 500N and has radius of gyration of 0.8m. The propeller
shaft rotates at 200rpm, clockwise, as viewed from tail end. The plane turns left making a
u-turn i.e., through 1800, at 120m radius, at a speed of 360kmph, determine the
gyroscopic couple and its effect on the aircraft. Also find the extra pressure on bearings if
the distance between two bearings of the propeller as 0.75m.
5. Draw the profile of the cam which raises a valve with SHM through 3cm in 1/3 of
revolution, keep it fully raised through 1/12 revolution and it is closed in next 1/3
revolution with SHM. The valve remains closed during the rest of the revolution. The
diameter of the roller is 1 cm and minimum radius of the cam is to be 2 cm. The axis of
the valve rod is offset by 1.0cm from the axis of the cam shaft.
6. Two mating gear wheels have 20 and 40 involute teeth of 10mm module and 200 pressure
The addendum on each wheel is to be mode of such a length that the line of contact on
each side of the pitch point has half the maximum possible length. Determine the
addendum height for each gear wheel and the length of the line of contact. If the smaller
wheel rotates at 250rpm, find the velocity of point of contact along the surface of each
tooth at the instant when the tip of a tooth on a smaller wheel is in contact.
7. Design a helical spring for a spring loaded safety valve for the following conditions.
Diameter of valve seat 65mm, operating pressure 0.7N/mm2, maximum pressure when
the valve blows off freely 0.75N/mm2, maximum lift of the valve when the pressure
raises from 0.7 to 0.75N/mm2 is 3.5 mm, maximum allowable shear stress is 550 Mpa,
modulus of rigidity 84KN/mm2, spring index 6. Draw neat sketch of spring with main
8. Write short notes on any three of the following
a) Universal coupling
b) Peaucellier straight line mechanism
c) Velocity and acceleration of roller follower with tangent cam.
d) Algebraic method to analyze gear tranins – Explain with an example

Code No: T2325
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations Dec, 2009
Bio Process Engineering
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Define the terms up-streaming and down-streaming. Describe the applications of
biotechnology in industry.
2. Giving suitable diagrams discuss the basic design and construction of an ideal
3. Give an account of different types of fermenters used in biotech industry.
4. Describe different components and functions of medium formulations for
microbial growth and product formation in industrial fermentations.
5. Elaborate the metabolic stoichiometry of cell growth and product formation in
bioprocess engineering.
6. Explain the energetics of microbial growth and product formation in bioprocess
7. What are primary and secondary metabolites? Discuss the production of
microbiaol metabolites.
8. Define and explain the importance of any four of the following:
(a) Enzyme extraction
(b) Enzyme purification
(c) Enzyme Specific activity
(d) Enzyme induction
(e) Enzyme inhibition
(f) Enzyme immobilization
1 of 1
SET - 1
Code No: T2325
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations Dec, 2009
Bio Process Engineering
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Write about various unit operations involved in the downstream processing?
2. Discuss design and construction n of bioreactor?
3. Discuss about the various types of bioreactors used for the cultivation of
4. Discuss about the construction of fermentation media?
5. The chemical reaction equation for respiration of glucose is
C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 6CO 2+ 6 H2O
Candida utilis cells convert glucose to CO2 and H2O during growth. The cell
composition is CH 1.84 O 0.55 N 0.2 plus 5% ash. Yield of Biomass from substate is
0.5gg-1 .Amonnia use as nitrogen source.
a) What is the oxygen demand with growth compared to that without
b) C.utilis is also able to grow with ethanol as substate, producing cells of the
same composition as above .on a mass basis, does the maximum possible
biomass yield from ethanol compare with the maximum possible yield
from glucose?
6. Discuss the unstructured kinetic model for the microbial growth?
7. Give the Detail description of enzyme production in submerged and solid state
8. The photosynthetic purple bacteria have been found to have the following
composition in weight percent 56% Carbon, 7% hydrogen, 12% Nitrogen, 16%
Oxygen, and 9% ash. For organisms with this elemental composition calculate
the degree of reductance of biomass b
1 of 1
SET - 2
Code No: T2325
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations Dec, 2009
Bio Process Engineering
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Write the applications of bioprocessing engineering in biotechnology?
2. a) Write about aerobic and anerobic process ?
b) Write short notes on Whole cell immobilization
3. Write about types of media and give detail description about the formulation of
the media?
4 Describe different components and functions of medium formulations for
microbial growth and product formation in industrial fermentations.
5. Discuss the structured model for product formation?
6. What are the different methods used fro the purification of enzyme?
7. The photosynthetic purple bacteria have been foud to have the following
composition in weight percent 56% Carbon, 7% hydrogen, 12% Nitrogen and 16%
Oxygen, 9% ash. For organisms with this elemental composition calculate the
degree of reductance of biomass b
8. Write the shot notes on following,
a) Repiratory coefficient
b) Specific actitivity
c) Fluidised bed reactor
d) Submerged fermentation
1 of 1
SET - 3
Code No: T2325
II B.Tech II Semester (R07) Supply Examinations Dec, 2009
Bio Process Engineering
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Give detail description of process floe sheet by taking any example?
2. a) Discuss various types of fermentation processes?
b) State the advantages of solid state fermentation?
3. What are the different factors effecting the media preparation?
4. The chmemical reaction for the conversion of ethanol to acetic acid is
C2H6O+O2 ------ C2H4O2+H2O
Acetic acid is produced from etahno9l during growth of Acetobacter aceti, which
has the compostion CH1.8O 0.5N 0.2.Biomass yield from substrate is 0.14gg-1
Product yield from substrate is 0.92gg-1 Ammonia is used as nitrogen source. How
does the growth in this culture affect oxygen demand for acetic acid production?
5. Discuss the structured model for product formation?
6. a). What is the specific activity of an enzyme
b).Give the Detail description of enzyme production in submerged and solid
state fermentation?
7. The growth of an organism on hexadecane can be described by the following
stoichiometric equation,
C16H34 + 12.4 O2 + 2.09 NH3 2.42 (C4.4 H7.3 N0.86 O1.2) + H2O + 5.33 CO2
Calculate the following:
i) The coefficient
ii) Respiratory coefficient
iii) Yield coefficients Y X/S Y1
X/S Y X/0 Y1 X/0
8. Write the shot notes on following,
a) Repiratory coefficient
b) Specific actitivity
c) Fluidised bed reacdop
d) Cu`mdrged fepmenpation
1 of 1
SET - 4



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