Thursday, 23 June 2011

I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS

Code No: Z0122/R07 Set No. 1
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical
Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Mechatronics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Production Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering
and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. A disc is in the form of a square of 30 mm side, surmounted by semicircles on
opposite sides. Draw the path of the end of a string unwound from the circumference
of the disc. [16]
2. Front view of a line PQ is inclined at 300 to xy-line and measures 60 mm. The line
is inclined at 450 to VP. The end P is in HP and VT of the line is 20 mm below
HP. Draw the projections of the line and find its true length and inclinations with
the reference planes. Also locate HT. [16]
3. A square pyramid with side of base 45 mm and axis 60 mm rests with one of the
base diagonals inclined at 600 to HP and the other diagonal parallel to both HP
and VP. Draw its projections. [16]
4. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the part P of the cone whose front
view is shown in figure 4. All dimensions are in cm. [16]
Figure 4
5. A cylinder of 75 mm diameter, standing on its base on H.P, is compeltely penetrated
by another cylinder of 55 mm diameter, with their axes intersecting at right angle.
Draw the projections, showing the lines of intersection, assuming that the axis of
the smaller cylinder is parallel to V.P. [16]
6. Draw the isometric view of the object whose orthographic projections are given in
figure 6. All dimensions are in mm. [16]
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Figure 6
7. Draw the following views of the object given in figure 7. All dimensions are in mm.
(a) Front View
(b) Top View and
(c) Side View from the left. [16]
Figure 7
8. A cube of edge 30 mm rests with one of its faces on the ground plane such that a
vertical edge touches the picture plane. The vertical faces of the cube are equally
inclined to the PP and behind it. A station point is 40 mm in front of the PP,
50mm above the ground plane and lies in a central plane 15 mm to the right of the
axis of the cube. Draw the perspective view. [16]
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Code No: Z0122/R07 Set No. 1
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Code No: Z0122/R07 Set No. 2
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical
Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Mechatronics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Production Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering
and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. A circus man rides on a motor cycle, inside a globe of 4 m diameter. The motor
cycle wheel is 1 m in diameter. Draw the locus of a point on the circumference of
the wheel of motor cycle for its one complete turn on the maximum circular path,
and name the curve. [16]
2. The front view of a line AB, 80 mm long , measures 55 mm while its top view
measures 70 mm. End A is in both HP and VP. Draw the projections of the line
and find its inclinations with the reference planes. Also locate the traces. [16]
3. A right circular cone of base diameter 30 mm and axis 45 mm long rests with one
of its generators on HP making 450 to VP. Draw its projections. [16]
4. A cone of base diameter 50 mm and axis 75 mm long has its base in VP. It is
sectioned by a vertical section plane 10 mm to the right of the axis. Draw its
projections and develop the surface of the truncated cone. [16]
5. A cone of base 60 mm diameter and axis 70 mm long stands vertically with its base
on H.P. It is penetrated by a horizontal cylinder of 26 mm diameter. The axis of
the cylinder is parallel to V.P., 20 mm above the base and 5 mm in front of the
axis of the cone. Draw the projections of solids showing the curves of intersection.
6. Draw the isometric view of the object whose orthographic projections are given in
figure 6. All dimensions are in mm. [16]
Figure 6
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Code No: Z0122/R07 Set No. 2
7. Draw the following views of the object given in figure 7. All dimensions are in mm.
(a) Front View
(b) Top View and
(c) Side View from the right. [16]
Figure 7
8. Draw the perspective view of a square pyramid of base 10 cm side and height of
the apex 12 cm. The nearest edge of the base is parallel to and 3 cm behind the
picture plane. The station point is situated at a distance of 30 cm from the picture
plane, 6 cm above the ground plane and 20 cm to the right of the apex. [16]
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Code No: Z0122/R07 Set No. 3
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical
Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Mechatronics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Production Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering
and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. In a triangle ABC; AB, AC and BC are 75 mm, 60 mm and 50 mm respectively.
Draw an ellipse such that A and B are the foci and C is a point on the curve. [16]
2. The x,y,z coordinates of two points are A and B are A(10 mm, 20 mm, 10 mm) and
B(60 mm, 70 mm, 80 mm). Draw the projections of the line and find its inclinations
with the reference planes. Also locate the traces. [16]
3. Draw the projections of pentagonal prism of base 30 mm sides and axis 50 mm
long, when its axis is inclined at 300 to HP and has an edge of the base resting in
HP and inclined at 600 to VP. [16]
4. A vertical cylinder of base diameter 30 mm and axis 45 mm long is sectioned
such that its front view appears as isosceles triangle of 30 mm and height 45 mm.
Develop its surface. [16]
5. A horizontal cylindrical pipe 40mm diameter is joined with a vertical cylindrical
pipe of same diameter. The axes of the pipes are parallel to VP. Neglecting the
pipe thickness draw the projections showing the curves of intersection, when their
axes intersect each other at right angles. [16]
6. Draw the isometric view of the object whose orthographic projections are given in
figure 6. All dimensions are in mm. [16]
Figure 6
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Code No: Z0122/R07 Set No. 3
7. Draw the following views of the dove tail bracket given in figure 7. All dimensions
are in mm.
(a) Front View
(b) Top View and
(c) Side View. [16]
Figure 7
8. A pentagonal prism, side of base 30 mm and height 50 mm rests with its base on
the ground plane such that one of its rectangular faces is inclined at 450 to PP and
the vertical edge nearer to PP is 10 mm behind it. The station point is 45 mm in
front of the picture plane, 90 mm above the ground plane and lies in a central plane
which is 15 mm to the left of the vertical edge nearer to PP. Draw the perspective
view. [16]
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Code No: Z0122/R07 Set No. 4
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical
Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Mechatronics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Production Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering
and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. In a triangle ABC; AB, BC and CA are 100 mm, 50 mm and 75 mm respectively.
Draw an ellipse passing through the points A, B and C. Find the major and minor
axes. [16]
2. The distance between the end projectors of a line AB is 50 mm. Point A is 15
mm above HP and 10 mm infront of VP. Point B is 40 mm above HP and 40 mm
infront of VP. Find the true length of the line AB, the inclinations of the line AB
with HP and VP. Locate HT and VT of the line by trapezoidal method. [16]
3. A square pyramid with side of base 45 mm and axis 60 mm rests with one of the
base diagonals inclined at 600 to HP and the other diagonal parallel to both HP
and VP. Draw its projections. [16]
4. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the pentagonal prism, a side of the
base parallel to the V.P. As shown in figure 4. All dimensions are in cm. [16]
Figure 4
5. A cone of base 60 mm diameter and axis 70 mm long stands vertically with its base
on H.P. It is penetrated by a horizontal cylinder of 26 mm diameter. The axis of
the cylinder is parallel to V.P., 20 mm above the base and 5 mm in front of the
axis of the cone. Draw the projections of solids showing the curves of intersection.
6. Draw the isometric view of the object whose orthographic projections are given in
figure 6. All dimensions are in mm. [16]
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Code No: Z0122/R07 Set No. 4
Figure 6
7. Draw the following views of the object given in figure 7. All dimensions are in mm.
(a) Front View
(b) Top View and
(c) Side View. [16]
Figure 7
8. Draw the perspective view of a hexagonal prism lying on the ground plane on one
of its longer edges such that one of its rectangular faces is perpendicular to the
ground plane. The axis is inclined at 300 to the picture plane and an edge of the
base is touching the picture plane. The station point is 110mm in front of the PP,
95 mm above the ground plane and lies in a central plane which bisects the axis.
For the prism, side of base is 25 mm and height 75 mm. [16]
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Code No: Z0222/R07 Set No. 1
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Instrumentation &
Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Four resistances of equal value are available. Find
i. The total equivalent conductance and total equivalent resistance ratio
ii. The ratios of current drawn in each configuration
iii. The ratios of power drawn by each configuration in each element.
Considering that the supply voltage is same when the configuration are
in series and parallel.
(b) Find RAB in the network as shown in figure 1b. [10+6]
Figure 1b
2. (a) Derive an expression for the energy stored in an inductor and a capacitor.
(b) Obtain an expression for Co-efficient of coupling. [10+6]
3. Define RMS and Average values of an alternating quantity. Find the rms value,
average value, form factor and peak factor of a full wave rectified wave form. [16]
4. (a) Three identical impedances of (3+j4)
are connected in delta. Find an equiv-
alent star network such that the line current is the same when connected to
the same supply.
(b) Three impedances of (7+j4)
, (3+j2)
and (9+j2)
are connected between
neutral and the R, Y and B phases. The line voltage is 440V, Calculate.
i. The line currents and
ii. The current in the neutral wire.
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Code No: Z0222/R07 Set No. 1
iii. Find the power consumed in each phase and the total power drawn by
the circuit. [4+12]
5. In the network shown in the figure 5, find V2 such that the current in (1+j1) ohkms
branch is zero. [16]
Figure 5
6. (a) Using Norton’s theorem, find the current through the load impedance ZL as
shown in figure 6a.
Figure 6a
(b) State and explain reciprocity theorem. [10+6]
7. In the circuit shown in the figure 7, the switch is put in position - 1 for 1 m sec
and then thrown to position - 2. Find the transient current in both intervals. [16]
Figure 7
8. Find the transformed Z - parameters of the n/w shown in figure 8: [16]
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Code No: Z0222/R07 Set No. 1
Figure 8
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Code No: Z0222/R07 Set No. 2
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Instrumentation &
Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Calculate the equivalent resistance of the combination of resistors as shown in
figure 1a and also calculate the source current.
Figure 1a
(b) A battery of unknown emf is connected across the resistances as shown in
figure 1b. The voltage across 8
resistor is 20V. What will be the current
through 13
resistor? What is the emf of the battery? [16]
Figure 1b
2. (a) An iron ring 10cm diameter and 15cm2 cross section is wound with 250 turns
of wire for a flux density of 1.5wb/m2 and permeability 500. Find the exciting
current, the inductance and the stored energy. Find corresponding quantities
when there is a 2mm air gap.
(b) Explain the terms reluctance, mmf, flux and flux density. [10+6]
3. Two impedances Z1=10+j31.4
and Z2=(10+R)+j(31.4-Xc) are connected in par-
allel across a single phase ac supply. The current taken by the two impedance
branches are equal in magnitude and the phase angle between them is 900. Calcu-
late the values of R and Xc and the phase difference of the branch currents with
respect to the applied voltage. [16]
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Code No: Z0222/R07 Set No. 2
4. A symmetrical 3-phase, 3-wire, 440V supply is connected to a star connected load.
The impedances in each branch are : Z1=(2+j3)
, Z2=(1-j2)
, Z3=(3+j4)
. Find
its equivalent delta connected load. Hence find the phase and line currents and the
total power consumed in the circuits. [16]
5. In the network shown in the figure 5, find V2 such that the current in (1+j1) ohkms
branch is zero. [16]
Figure 5
6. (a) State Thevenin’s Theorem.
(b) Compare Thevenin’s Theorem with Norton’s theorem.
(c) Explain the steps to apply Thevenin’s Theorem and draw the Thevenin’s
equivalent circuit. [4+6+6]
7. In the circuit shown in the figure 7, the switch is put in position - 1 for 1 m sec
and then thrown to position - 2. Find the transient current in both intervals. [16]
Figure 7
8. For the two port n/w shown in the figure 8, the currents I1 and I2 entering at port
1 and 2 respectively are given by the equations.
I1 = 0.5 V1 - 0.2 V2
I2 = - 0.2V1 + V2
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Code No: Z0222/R07 Set No. 2
Figure 8
Where V1 and V2 are the port voltages at port 1 and 2 respectively. Find the Y, Z,
ABCD parameters for the n/w. Also find its equivalent network. [16]
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Code No: Z0222/R07 Set No. 3
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Instrumentation &
Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Four resistors are in parallel. The current in the first three resistors are 4A,
5A and 6A respectively. The voltage drop across the fourth resistor is 200V.
The total power dissipated is 5KW. Determine the values of resistances of the
branches and the total resistance.
(b) A coil of 5
resistance is connected in parallel with a coil of R1
This combination is then connected in series with an unknown resistor R2

and the complete circuit is then connected to a 50 V d.c supply. Calculate the
value of R1 and R2 if the power dissipated by the resistor R2 is 150W with 5A
passing through it. [6+10]
2. (a) Derive an expression for the energy stored in an inductor and a capacitor.
(b) Obtain an expression for Co-efficient of coupling. [10+6]
3. (a) Derive an expression for the current, impedance, average power for a series
RLC circuit excited by a sinusoidally alternating voltage and also find the
power factor of the circuit. Draw the phasor diagram.
(b) In an ac circuit, the applied voltage is given by v=200sin314t and the current
is i=20cos314t. Find the circuit constants and also the power factor of the
circuit. Draw the phasor diagram. [10+6]
4. A symmetrical 3-phase, 3-wire, 440V supply is connected to a star connected load.
The impedances in each branch are : Z1=(2+j3)
, Z2=(1-j2)
, Z3=(3+j4)
. Find
its equivalent delta connected load. Hence find the phase and line currents and the
total power consumed in the circuits. [16]
5. (a) Find the power delivered by the batteries shown in the figure 5a using mesh
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Code No: Z0222/R07 Set No. 3
Figure 5a
(b) Set up the nodal equations for the n/w of the figure 5b. Hence find the
potential difference b/w nodes 2 & 4. [8+8]
Figure 5b
6. (a) Using Norton’s theorem, find the current through the load impedance ZL as
shown in figure 6a.
Figure 6a
(b) State and explain reciprocity theorem. [10+6]
7. In the circuit shown in the figure 7, the switch is put in position - 1 for 1 m sec
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and then thrown to position - 2. Find the transient current in both intervals. [16]
Figure 7
8. Find the transformed Z - parameters of the n/w shown in figure 8: [16]
Figure 8
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Code No: Z0222/R07 Set No. 4
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Instrumentation &
Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) A bridge network ABCD is arranged as follows:
Resistance between terminals AB, BC, CD, DA and BD are 10 ohms, 30 ohms,
15 ohms, 20 ohms and 40 ohms respectively. A 4V battery is connected with
negligible internal resistance between terminals A and C. Determine the cur-
rent through each element in the network using network reduction techniques.
(b) Three equal resistances are available. Find
i. Two ratios of the equivalent resistances when they are connected in par-
ii. The ratio of the current through each elements when they are connected
in parallel. [10+6]
2. (a) Derive an expression for the energy stored in an inductor and a capacitor.
(b) Obtain an expression for Co-efficient of coupling. [10+6]
3. A sinusoidal current wave is given by i=50 sin100 t. Determine
(a) The greatest rate of change of current.
(b) Derive average and rms values.
(c) The time interval between a maximum value and the next zero value. [16]
4. (a) Three identical impedances of (3+j4)
are connected in delta. Find an equiv-
alent star network such that the line current is the same when connected to
the same supply.
(b) Three impedances of (7+j4)
, (3+j2)
and (9+j2)
are connected between
neutral and the R, Y and B phases. The line voltage is 440V, Calculate.
i. The line currents and
ii. The current in the neutral wire.
iii. Find the power consumed in each phase and the total power drawn by
the circuit. [4+12]
5. (a) Draw the oriented network graph from the incidence matrix given below.
Nodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
A -1 0 0 +1 -1 0
B +1 -1 0 0 0 -1
C 0 +1 -1 0 +1 0
D 0 0 +1 -1 0 +1
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(b) Draw the graph of the network shown in figure 5b. Obtain a tree thereof.
What is the number of mesh currents required for the network. [8+8]
Figure 5b
6. (a) Use Thevenin’s Theorem and find the current through (5+j4) ohms impedance
shown in figure 6a.
Figure 6a
(b) State and explain reciprocity throrem. [10+6]
7. In the circuit shown in the figure 7, the switch is put in position - 1 for 1 m sec
and then thrown to position - 2. Find the transient current in both intervals. [16]
Figure 7
8. (a) Discuss about the relationship b/w Y parameters and Z - parameters.
(b) How will you obtain h parameters from Z parameters. [8+8]
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Code No: ZO422/R07 Set No. 1
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Electronics &
Control Engineering and Electronics & Computer Engineering )
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. In the circuit as shown in figure 1 find the currents in all the resistors. Also calcu-
late the supply voltage & power supplied by the source. [16]
Figure 1
2. (a) Define
i. frequency,
ii. phase
iii. form factor and
iv. peak factor
(b) Explain the term phase difference. [4×3+4]
3. A RLC series circuit with a resistance of 10
, impedance of 0.2H and a capacitance
of 40μF is supplied with a 100V supply at variable frequency. Find the following
w.r.t. the series resonant circuit. [16]
(a) the frequency at resonance
(b) the current
(c) Power
(d) Power factor
(e) voltage across R, L and C at that time
(f) quality factor of the circuit
(g) half power points
(h) phasor diagram.
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Code No: ZO422/R07 Set No. 1
4. Write the tie - set schedule for the network shown in figure 4. [16]
Figure 4
5. Find Va using Super position principle in the circuit shown in the figure 5. [16]
Figure 5
6. For the two port network shown in the figure 6, the currents I1 and I2 entering at
port 1 and 2 respectively are given by the equations.
I1 = 0.5 V1 - 0.2 V2
I2 = -0.2V1 + V2
Figure 6
Where V1 and V2 are the port voltages at port 1 and 2 respectively. Find the Y,
Z, ABCD parameters for the network. Also find its equivalent network. [16]
7. Derive an expression for the current response in RL series circuit with a sinusoidal
source. [16]
8. Design a symmetrical lattice attenuator to have a characteristic impedance of 800

and attenuation of 20 dB. [16]
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Code No: ZO422/R07 Set No. 2
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Electronics &
Control Engineering and Electronics & Computer Engineering )
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. In the circuit shown in the figure 1 find E1, E2 and I when the power dissipated in
5 ohms resistor is 125W. [16]
Figure 1
2. Two circuits, the impedances of which are Z1 = (10 + j15)
and Z2 = (6 - j8)

are connected in parallel. If the total current supplied is 15 A, what is the power
taken by each branch? [16]
3. A parallel circuit has two branches, branch 1 has a resistance of 5
connected in
series with an inductance 10 mH. A capacitor is connected in branch 2, the parallel
circuit is connected across a 230 V, 50Hz supply. If the circuit is to be in resonance
find the value of the capacitance. Find the current drawn from the supply and also
find the currents in branches 1 and 2. Draw the vector diagram. [16]
4. Find the currents in all resistors for the network, shown in figure 4 using loop
analysis method. [16]
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Code No: ZO422/R07 Set No. 2
Figure 4
5. (a) State and explain Thevenin’s Theorem.
(b) What are the limitations of Thevenin’s Theorem.
(c) Explain the steps to apply Thevenin’s Theorem and draw the Thevenin’s
equivalent circuit. [6+4+6]
6. Explain conversions from ABCD parameters to Z parameters. [16]
7. In the circuit shown in figure 7, Eg (t) = 2.5 t Volts. What are the values of i(t)
and VL(t) at t = 4 seconds. [16]
Figure 7
8. A high pass filter section is constructed from two capacitors 1 μF each and a
15 mH inductance. Find the cut - off frequency, infinite frequency characteristic
impedance and characteristic impedance at 200 Hz, attenuation at 200 Hz and
phase shift constant at 200 Hz. [16]
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Code No: ZO422/R07 Set No. 3
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Electronics &
Control Engineering and Electronics & Computer Engineering )
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. In the circuit as shown in figure 1 find the currents in all the resistors. Also calcu-
late the supply voltage & power supplied by the source. [16]
Figure 1
2. What is coefficient of coupling? How can it be varied? Derive an expression for the
same. [16]
3. Show that the resonant frequency of a series RLC circuit is fr = 1 / (2 pLC).
Also derive the expressions for Q factor. [16]
4. In the network shown in figure 4 the numerical values of resistances also indicate
the branch numbers. Write the oriented graph of the network. Select a tree with
branches 1, 2, 3 as the tree branches, write tie-set and cut-set schedule.
Figure 4
5. A load impedance of (20 - jXc) ohms is supplied from a source of emf 10V rms and
internal impedance (10 + j20) ohms, as shown in figure 5. Find the value of Xc to
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give maximum power dissipation in the load and calculate the value of this power.
For what value of load impedance the load power will be doubled. [16]
Figure 5
6. Find the transmission parameters of the network, as shown in figure 6. [16]
Figure 6
7. Derive an expression for the current response in RL series circuit with a sinusoidal
source. [16]
8. Design a p and type attenuator with an attenuation of 18 dB and characteristic
resistance of 480
. [16]
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Code No: ZO422/R07 Set No. 4
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Electronics &
Control Engineering and Electronics & Computer Engineering )
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Three resistors 8 ohms, 6 ohms and 10 ohms are connected in series to a battery of
terminal voltage 24 volts. Find the current in the circuit, P.D. across each resistor
and power dissipated in each resistor. [16]
2. Two coupled coils have a coefficient of coupling, 0.85, N1 = 100 turns and N2 =
800 turns. With coil 1 open and a current of 5A in coil 2, the flux 2 is 0.35 mwb.
Find L1, L2 and M. [16]
3. Derive the expression for resonant frequency of a parallel circuit having R1 and L
in one branch and R2 and C in the second branch. [16]
4. By Nodal analysis, find the power dissipated in the 10
resistor in the circuit, as
shown in figure 4. [16]
Figure 4
5. Use Norton’s Theorem and find the current through (5+j4) ohms impedance, of
the network as shown in figure 5. [16]
Figure 5
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6. Find the Z parameters of the network shown in figure 6 & prove that the circuit
is receprocal. [16]
Figure 6
7. In the circuit shown in figure 7, Eg (t) = 2.5 t Volts. What are the values of i(t)
and VL(t) at t = 4 seconds. [16]
Figure 7
8. A constant - k high pass filter cuts off at a frequency of 2300 Hz. The resistance of
the load is 500 ohms. Calculate the values of the components used in the filter.
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Code No: Z0521/R07 Set No. 1
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) What is electric current? Explain in detail the conventional flow of electrons
in a circuit.
(b) How are the materials classified based on their conductivity? Explain with
suitable examples. [8+8]
2. Calculate the current through 2+j3
impedance by superposition theorem as shown
in figure 2. [16]
Figure 2
3. (a) What is meant by inductance? Obtain the expression for the same.
(b) A magnetic circuit has a uniform cross sectional area of 5 and a length
of 25 cm. A coil of 100 turns is wound uniformly around the magnetic circuit.
When the current in the coil is 2A, the flux is 0.3 wb. Calculate
i. Magnetizing force
ii. Relative permeability
iii. Magnetic flux density [6+10]
4. Two coils A and B are connected in parallel across a 100 V, 50Hz single phase
supply. Coil A has a resistance of 3
and reactance of 4
. Coil B has a resistance
of 6
and reactance of 8
. Find the current drawn by the circuit from the supply
and its power factor. What value of capacitance must be connected in parallel with
the above combination to rise the resultant power factor to unity? [8+8]
5. (a) A double wound, single phase transformer is required to step down from 1900
V to 240 V, 50 Hz. It is to have 1.5V per turn. Calculate the required number
of turns on the Primary and Secondary windings respectively. The peak value
of flux density is required to be not more than 1.2 wb/ Calculate the
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Code No: Z0521/R07 Set No. 1
required cross-sectional area of the steel core. If the output is 10KVA, calculate
secondary current.
(b) A 2200/200V, single phase transformer takes 1A at the high voltage side on
no-load at a power factor of 0.385 lagging. Calculate the iron losses if a load of
50 A at a power of 0.8 lagging is taken from the secondary of the transformer.
Calculate the actual primary current and its power factor. [8+8]
6. (a) Based on the type of excitation classify the DC generators.
(b) A 4 pole DC generator with a shunt field resistance of 100
and armature
resistance of 1
has 378 wave connected conductors in its armature. The
flux per pole is 0.02 Wb. If a load resistance of 10
is connected across the
Armature terminals and the generator is driven at 1000 rpm, calculate the
power absorbed by the load. [6+10]
7. (a) Define:
i. Slip speed
ii. Slip
iii. Synchronous Speed
iv. Torque.
(b) Why is an induction motor called a rotating transformer? Justify.
(c) A three phase induction motor is wound for 4 poles and is supplied from 50 Hz
system. Calculate synchronous speed , rotor sped when slip is 4% and rotor
frequency when rotor runs at 600 rpm. [8+2+6]
8. Discuss the necessity of damping torque in indicating instrument. Explain with
neat sketch the different methods of producing them. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Z0521/R07 Set No. 2
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) A 100W, 250V bulb is put in series with a 40W, 250V bulb across a 500V sup-
ply. What will be the power consumed by each bulb? Will such a combination
(b) State and explain Kirchoffs current law and voltage law. [10+6]
2. Determine the maximum power delivered to the load impedance ZL in the circuit
as shown in figure 2. [16]
Figure 2
3. (a) Two magnetically coupled coils have self inductance L1=100 mH and L2= 400
mH. If the coefficient of coupling is 0.8, find the value of mutual inductance
between the coils. What would be the maximum possible mutual inductance?.
(b) An magnetic ring has mean circumference of 1.5 m and is 0.01 sq.m cross-
section. It is wound with 200 turns. A saw cut of 4 mm wide is made in the
ring. Calculate the magnetizing current required to produce a flux of 0.8 wb
in the air gap. Assume relative permeability as 400 and leakage coefficient as
1.3. [8+8]
4. Define the following terms :
(a) Alternating quantity
(b) Time period
(c) Cycle
(d) Frequency
(e) Amplitude
(f) RMS value
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Code No: Z0521/R07 Set No. 2
(g) Average value
(h) Form factor [2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2]
5. (a) What is the difference between an ideal transformer and a practical trans-
(b) Derive the approximate equivalent circuit of a 1 phase transformer. [4+12]
6. (a) A short shunt compound generator supplied 7.5 KW at 230 V. The shunt field,
series field and armature resistances are 100
, 0.3
and 0.4
Calculate the induced emf and the load resistance.
(b) Write down the similarities and dissimilarities between motors and generators.
(c) Explain the motoring and generating actions of a DC machine. [6+5+5]
7. (a) A 3 phase, 16 pole alternator has a star connected winding with 144 slots and
10 conductors per slot. The flux per pole is 30 mwb sinusoidally distributed.
Find the frequency, the phase and line voltage if the speed is 380 rpm.
(b) A synchronous generator has 9 slots per pole. If each coil span is 8 slot pitches,
what is the value of the pitch factor.
(c) A 3 phase star connected 8 pole, 750 rpm alternator has 3 slots per pole per
phase. The conductors per slot are 8, while flux per pole is 0.62 Wb. Calculate
the induced emf per phase. [6+5+5]
8. (a) Bring out the advantages and disadvantages of MI and MC instrument.
(b) Bring out the differences between various methods of producing controlling
torque. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Z0521/R07 Set No. 3
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) A 100W, 250V bulb is put in series with a 40W, 250V bulb across a 500V sup-
ply. What will be the power consumed by each bulb? Will such a combination
(b) State and explain Kirchoffs current law and voltage law. [10+6]
2. (a) To apply thevenin’s theorem it is necessary to determine two quantities. Name
them. What do you do with them after you get them?
(b) For the circuit shown in figure 2b, find the net resistance between the terminals
A and B by using star - delta transformations. [6+10]
Figure 2b
3. (a) Two magnetically coupled coils have self inductance L1=100 mH and L2= 400
mH. If the coefficient of coupling is 0.8, find the value of mutual inductance
between the coils. What would be the maximum possible mutual inductance?.
(b) An magnetic ring has mean circumference of 1.5 m and is 0.01 sq.m cross-
section. It is wound with 200 turns. A saw cut of 4 mm wide is made in the
ring. Calculate the magnetizing current required to produce a flux of 0.8 wb
in the air gap. Assume relative permeability as 400 and leakage coefficient as
1.3. [8+8]
4. An inductive coil of resistance 20
and reactance 31.4
is connected in parallel
with a capacitance of 72.1 μF across a 100 V, 50Hz supply. Find the total current,
power factor, power absorbed. Draw the phasor diagram of the circuit. [4×4]
5. A 50-KVA, 4, 400/220-V transformer has R1=3.45
, R2 =0.009
. The values of
reactances are X1 =5.2
and X2 =0.015
. Calculate for the transformer
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Code No: Z0521/R07 Set No. 3
(a) Equivalent resistance as referred to primary
(b) Equivalent resistance as referred to secondary
(c) Equivalent reactance as referred to both primary and secondary
(d) Equivalent impedance as referred to both primary and secondary
(e) Total copper loss, first using individual resistances of the two windings and
secondly, using equivalent resistances as referred to each side.[2+2+2+2+4+4]
6. (a) Give the difference between the cumulative and differentially compounded DC
(b) A DC series generator has an armature resistance of 0.5
and series resistance
of 0.03
. It drives a load of 50 A. It has 6 turns per coil and total 540 coils
on the armature and is driven at 1500 rpm. Calculate the terminal voltage
at load. Assume 4 poles lap type winding, flux per pole as 2 mWb and total
brush drop is 2V. [6+10]
7. A 4-pole, 50 Hz, three phase induction motor has rotor resistance and reactance of
and 0.12
per phase respectively. Determine
(a) The value of speed at which the maximum torque occurs
(b) The value of the external rotor resistance per phase to be inserted to obtain
80% of the maximum torque at the starting. [8+8]
8. (a) Why is the scale of a MI instrument non uniform? Explain.
(b) With neat sketch, explain the process of eddy current damping. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Z0521/R07 Set No. 4
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Explain the following terms:
(a) Temperature coefficient of resistance
(b) Active element
(c) Passive element
(d) Unilateral element
(e) Bilateral element
(f) Linear and non linear element
(g) Specific conductance
(h) Electric current [2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2]
2. (a) To apply thevenin’s theorem it is necessary to determine two quantities. Name
them. What do you do with them after you get them?
(b) For the circuit shown in figure 2b, find the net resistance between the terminals
A and B by using star - delta transformations. [6+10]
Figure 2b
3. Define the following:
(a) Magnetic field
(b) Magnetic circuit
(c) Magnetic flux
(d) Magnetic flux density
(e) MMF
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Code No: Z0521/R07 Set No. 4
(f) Reluctance
(g) Magnetic field strength
(h) Permeability [16]
4. An inductive coil of resistance 12
and inductance 0.0398 H is connected in parallel
with a capacitive branch having resistance of 20
and capacitance of 265.2 μF. The
combination is connected across 220 V, 40 Hz mains. Calculate the total current
taken by the combination. It is desired to raise the power factor of the combination
as such a capacitor of capacitance 67.5 μF is connected in parallel with the above
combination. Find the power factor of the resultant circuit. [8+8]
5. (a) A transformer has a primary winding of 800 turns and a secondary winding of
300 turns. When the load current on the secondary is 80A at 0.8 p.f lagging
the primary current is 25A at 0.707 p.f lagging. Determine graphically or
otherwise the no load current of the transformer and its phase with respect to
the voltage.
(b) A 230V, 3KVA 1 phase transformer has an iron loss of 100 W at 40Hz and
70W at 30 Hz. Find the hysteresis and eddy current losses at 50Hz. [10+6]
6. (a) Based on the type of excitation classify the DC generators.
(b) A 4 pole DC generator with a shunt field resistance of 100
and armature
resistance of 1
has 378 wave connected conductors in its armature. The
flux per pole is 0.02 Wb. If a load resistance of 10
is connected across the
Armature terminals and the generator is driven at 1000 rpm, calculate the
power absorbed by the load. [6+10]
7. A 3 phase , 50Hz induction motor has a starting torque which is 1.25 times full
load torque and a maximum torque which is 2.5 times full load torque. Neglecting
stator resistance and rotational losses and assuming rotor resistance, find
(a) Slip at full load
(b) Slip at maximum torque
(c) Rotor current at starting in per unit of full load rotor current. [16]
8. Explain with neat sketch the construction and working of a MI ammeter and MC
ammeter. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Y2323/R07 Set No. 1
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) What are the criteria for choosing a particular product recovery step?
(b) What are the various unit operations for the separation of suspended solids?
(c) Describe foam separation process as a tool for downstream processing. [5+5+6]
2. (a) Acetylene gas is formed according to the equation:
CaC2 + 2H2O − − − − − > C2H2 + Ca(OH)2
Calculate the number of hours of service that can be derived from 1.0 kg of
carbide in an acetylene lamp burning 60 liter of gas per hour at 300C and a
pressure of 725 mm Hg. Assume ideal gas law.
(b) A solution of NaCl in water contains 300 gm of NaCl per liter at 300C. The
density of solution at 300C is 1.152 gms/cm3, calculate the following:
i. Volumetric percent of water.
ii. Composition in mole percent. [8+8]
3. State and prove Bernoulli’s theorem for incompressible fluid and indicate the cor-
rections necessary for its applications. [16]
4. (a) If the velocity distribution of a fluid over a plate is given by u=(3/4)y-y2 where
u is the velocity in metre per sec at a distance of y meters above the plate,
determine the shears stress at y=0.15 meters.
Take the dynamic viscosity of the fluid as 8.5×10−5 kg-sec/m.
(b) Classify the types of fluid. [8+8]
5. (a) Define compressible and incompressible flow.
(b) What is the relationship between pressure and density of a compressible fluid
i. Isothermal process and
ii. Adiabatic process.
(c) Derive the contuinity equation for one dimensional compressible flow in dif-
ferential form. [2+6+8]
6. (a) Derive Ergun’ equation. Extend the equation for both laminar and turbulent
conditions of packed tower operation.
(b) Illustriate the development of laminar flow and turbulent boundary layers on
a flat surface, when a fluid flows past the surface. What is meant by boundry
later separation? [8+8]
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Code No: Y2323/R07 Set No. 1
7. (a) Derive an expression for coefficient of discharge of a venturimeter.
(b) A horizontal venturi meter having a throat diameter of 4 cm is set in a 10 cm
I.D. pipeline. Water flows through the system and the pressure differential
across the venturi meter is measured by means of a simple U-tube manometer
filled with mercury. Estimate the flow rate when the manometer reading is
30 cm. Assume Cv = 0.98. If 10% of the pressure differential is permanently
lost, calculate the power consumption of the meter. [8+8]
8. (a) Explain developed Head and cavitation.
(b) Discuss the significance of the following terms:
i. Cavitation
ii. Priming
iii. NPSH
iv. Multistage pumps. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Y2323/R07 Set No. 2
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Describe the working of a batch crystallizer.
(b) Describe the working of a continuous crystallizer. [8+8]
2. 100 m3/minute of a gaseous mixture containing 10.0% CH4, 30% C2H6 and 60.0%
H2 (all by volume) flows through a pipe at 210C and 2.36 atmospheric pressure
(absolute). Calculate the following :
(a) Partial pressure of each component in mm Hg;
(b) The average molecular weight; and
(c) The mass flow rate in kg/min. [5+5+6]
3. State the Bernoulli’s equation without the friction clearly mentioning the terms
involved, with the units and also significance of the each term. Under what as-
sumption it has been derived. Indicate the corrections necessary to above said
equation in order to meet the real situations. [16]
4. (a) Enumerate various types of Non-Newtonian fluids.
(b) With the help of shear stress -shear rate diagram, explain the Non-newtonian
fluids. Discuss their important characteristics. [8+8]
5. (a) Describe Reynolds experiment to demonstrate the two types of flow.
(b) Water at room temperature flows through a smooth straight pipe A of internal
diameter 4cm at an average velocity of 42 cm/sec. Oil flows through another
pipe B of internal diameter 12.5 cm at such a velocity that dynamic similarity
exists between the two streams. Calculate the velocity through pipe B. (Spe-
cific Gravity of oil = 0.85, viscosity of oil = 2 cp and viscosity of water = 1
cp.) [8+8]
6. (a) Starting from the fundamentals derive the equation for the terminal settling
velocity for a spherical particle in the stoke’s law region under free settling
conditions range.
(b) A smooth flat plate is pulled through a pool of stagnant water at a velocity
of 6 m/s. The plate has a width of 3 m and a length of 30 m. Estimate the
total drag force acting on one side of the plate. [8+8]
7. (a) A U - tube differential mercury manometer is connected between two pipes X
and Y. Pipe X contains carbon tetra chloride ( ) under a pressure of
103kN/ m2 and pipe Y contains oil ( ) under a pressure of 712kN/m2.
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Code No: Y2323/R07 Set No. 2
Pipe X is 2.5 m above pipe Y. Mercury level in the limb connected to pipe X
is 1.5 below centre line of pipe Y. Find the manometer reading as shown by a
centimeter scale attached to it.
(b) How does a U-tube manometer function? Derive an expression for (P1 − P2)
in terms of measurable quantities. [8+8]
8. (a) Describe the working of an Airlift pump and explain on what factors its effi-
ciency dependent.
(b) Write short notes on Selection of pumps for handling of liquids. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Y2323/R07 Set No. 3
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) How are bio-chemical reactions different from chemical reactions?
(b) Briefly explain the steps in development of a complete bioprocess for commer-
cial manufacture of a new recombinant DNA derived product. [8+8]
2. (a) What volume of 96% sulphuricacid ( = 1.84 g/ml) and what mass of water
must be taken to prepare 100 ml of a 15% solution of sulphuric acid
( = 1.10g/ml)?
(b) Find the molarity, molality and normality of a 15% solution of sulphuric acid
( = 1.10 g/ml). [8+8]
3. By applying momentum balance to the steady flow of a fluid inside a pipeline,
obtain the Bernoulli’s equation. Indicate the corrections necessary to the equation
for application to real situations. [16]
4. (a) If the velocity distribution of a fluid over a plate is given by u=(3/4)y-y2 where
u is the velocity in metre per sec at a distance of y meters above the plate,
determine the shears stress at y=0.15 meters.
Take the dynamic viscosity of the fluid as 8.5×10−5 kg-sec/m.
(b) Classify the types of fluid. [8+8]
5. (a) Derive an expression for the velocity of sound waves moving in a compressible
(b) What is couette flow? [8+8]
6. A regenerative heater is packed with a bed of 6 mm cubes. The cubes are poured
into the cylindrical shell of the regenerator to a depth of 3.5 m such that the bed
porosity was 0.44. If air flows through this bed entering at 25oC and 7 atm abs and
leaving at 200oC, calculate the pressure drop across the bed when the flow rate is
500 kg/hr per square meter of empty bed cross section. Assume average viscosity
as 0.025 cP and density as 6.8 kg/m3. [16]
7. (a) A sharp edged Orifice connected to a manometer is used for measuring the
flow rate of brine ( flowing through a 7.5cm pipe. The maximum
flow rate is not be exceed 750 litres/min and maximum manometer reading is
not to exceed 400mm Hg.Calculate the size of the orifice.
(b) Give the working principle of orifice and venture meter and state the merits
and demerits. [7+9]
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Code No: Y2323/R07 Set No. 3
8. (a) Air is flowing in a smooth pipe having 1 m diameter at a rate of 340 m3/min.
The length of the pipe is 250 m. The air temperature is 20oC. What is the dif-
ference in elevation between the inlet and outlet if the static pressure change
is zero? If a pump is to be installed keeping the pipe horizontal, which type
of pump should be selected and what should be its theoretical power require-
ment? Assume that behaves an ideal gas.
Kinematic viscosity of air = 1.67× 10−5 m2/sec.
Static pressure = 1 atm.
(b) Define the term NPSH and What is water hammer. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Y2323/R07 Set No. 4
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Define terminal velocity in freely settling bodies. What are the various factors that
affect terminal velocity? [16]
2. 1000 liters of a mixture of H2, N2 and CO2 at 150oC was found to have the following
ratio for the partial pressures of the gases: PH2 : PN2 : PCO2 is 1:4:3. If the total
pressure is 2 atm absolute, calculate
(a) Mole fraction of each of these gases.
(b) Weight percent of each of these gases.
(c) Average molecular weight and
(d) Weight of CO2 in kg. [4+4+4+4]
3. Calculate the power required and the pressure which should be developed by a
pump of efficiency 80% to pump 60 liters/ min. of 98% sulfuric acid at 25oC from
an open tank at ground level to a closed overhead tank at a gauge pressure of 2 atm
kept 3m above the ground. The density of the acid is 1850kg/m3 and the viscosity
is 25 centipoises. Neglect frictional losses. [16]
4. (a) What is boundary layer? Explain the concept of boundary layer with a neat
(b) What is meant by shear stress and shear strain? Draw a relationship between
them. [10+6]
5. (a) Discuss briefly about the friction factor in flow through channels of non circular
cross section.
(b) Discuss the velocity profiles for laminar and turbulent fluid flow through a
(c) Calculate the hydraulic mean diameter of the annular space between a 4 cm
abd 6 cm tubes. [5+5+6]
6. 7000 kg/hr of air, at a pressure of 7 atm and a temperature of 127oC is to be passed
through a cylindrical tower packed with 2.5 cm Berl saddles. The height of the bed
is 6 m. What minimum tower diameter is required, if the pressure drop through
the bed is not to exceed 500 mm of mercury?
For Berl saddles, p = (1.65 ×105 Z V1.82
s 1.85 )/D1.4
where p is the pressure drop in kgf/cm2, Z is the bed height in meter, is the
density in g/cc, Dp is nominal diameter of Berl saddles, Vs is the superficial linear
velocity in m/sec. [16]
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Code No: Y2323/R07 Set No. 4
7. (a) Water flows through an orifice of 15 mm diameter in a 75 mm at a rate of
600 cm3/sec. What is the difference in level on a water manometer connected
across the orifice? The discharge coefficient may be taken as 0.62 and the
viscosity of water is 1 Centi poise and density is 1000 kg/m3.
(b) Explain clearly the purpose of using an inclined ‘U’ Tube manometer instead
of a vertical manometer. [9+7]
8. (a) Explain the construction and working of cam pump, the vane pump and the
flow inducer pump.
(b) Crude oil is pumped at a rate of 80 liters/sec from a harbor to a refinery at a
distance of 10 km through a 0.3 m I.D. pipeline. The crude oil has a density
of 0.8 gm/cc and a viscosity of 5 cP. Calculate the power rating of the motor
driving the pump, assuming an overall efficiency of 60% at full capacity. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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