Thursday, 23 June 2011

II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009 SURVEYING

Code No: W0123/R07 Set No. 1
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Define Surveying. Explain its importance for civil Engineers.
(b) What is meant by Reconnaissance Survey.
(c) A Chain was tested before starting a survey and was found to be exactly 30m.
At the end of the Survey, it was tested again and found to measure 30.10m.
The area of the plan of the field drawn to a sale of 1cm = 20m was 160 square
centimeters. Find the true area of the field in square metres. [5+3+8]
2. (a) Explain the terms : Check Line, Base Line, Tie Line, and oblique offset.
(b) Find the maximum length of offset so that the displacement on paper from
both sources of error does not exceed 0.2 mm given that the offset is measured
with an accuracy of 1 in 25 and the scale is 1cm = 50m. [8+8]
3. Name the different methods of levelling. Explain each one of them briefly stating
the difference between them. [16]
4. Calculate the area between the survey line, the hedge and the end offsets by
(a) Trapezoidal rule and
(b) Simpson’s rule [8+8]
From the following field measurements of perpendicular offsets taken from a
chain line to a hedge:
Chainage (m) Offsets (m) Chainage (m) Offsets (m)
0 7.6 70 9.5
15 8.5 80 8.3
30 10.7 100 7.9
45 12.8 120 6.4
60 10.6 140 4.4
5. (a) What do you understand by ‘Temporary Adjustment’? Describe in brief the
various temporary adjustments of a Theodolite.
(b) Discuss the procedure of measuring a horizontal angle with a theodolite[8+8]
6. To determine the multiplying constant of a tacheometer, the following observations
were taken on a staff held vertically at distance measured for the instrument
Observation Horizontal distance(m) Vertical angle Staff intercept(m)
1 50 +30480 0.500
2 100 +10060 1.00
3 150 +00360 1.50
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Code No: W0123/R07 Set No. 1
The focal length of the object glass is 20 cm and the distance from the object glass
to trunnion axis is 10 cm. the staff is held vertically at all these points. Find the
multiplying constant. [16]
7. (a) Draw a neat sketch of a simple circular curve and represent different elements
of it.
(b) Establish the relation = 1718.9C
R minutes
where = deflection angle of the chord; C = length of chord. R= Radius of
the curve,
(c) Calculate the perpendicular offsets at 20m intervals along the tangents to set
out first five pegs of a simple circular curve of 250m radius. [4+4+8]
8. (a) What is Geodetic Surveying? How it is different from Plane surveying.
(b) Explain the importance of electronic surveying in the field of surveying.[8+8]
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Code No: W0123/R07 Set No. 2
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Give a detailed classification of Surveys.
(b) A line 3.2 km long is measured with a steel tape which is 20m under no pull
at 30oC. The tape in section is 1/8 cm wide and 1/20 cm thick. If one half of
the line is measured at a temparature of 40oc and the other half at 50oC and
the tape is attached to a pull of 200N, find the corrected total length of the
line given the coefficient of expansion is 11.5 × 10−6 per degree C, weight of
tape per Cubic cm of steel = 0.77504N, and E = 2.1 × 105N/mm2. [7+9]
2. (a) Explain compensating and cumulative errors in chain Surveying.
(b) What are the Survey stations. How will you select them.
(c) A Survey line CD intersects a high building. To prolong the line beyond this
obstacle, a perpendicular DE, 200m long is set out at D. From E, two lines EF
and EG are set out at angles of 450 and 600 with ED respectively. Determine
the length of EF and EG in order that the points F and G may lie on the
prolongation of CD, and also find the obstructed length DF. [4+4+8]
3. (a) Describe the two peg test for the adjustment of line of collimation.
(b) What is the desired relation and necessity of the above adjustment? [10+6]
4. (a) State and explain the sinpsons rule.
(b) How does it compare with other rules. [4+12]
5. In order to determine the elevation of the top of the Q of a signal observation were
made from two instrument stations A and B which are in line with the signal. The
stations A and B are 80 m apart. The vertical angles of Q as observed at A and
B were, respectively 30045’ and 16010’The staff reading on the bench mark of the
elevation 178.450 was 2.850 m when the instrument was at A, and 3.580 m when
the instrument was at B. determine the elevations of the top and foot of the signal
if the height of the signal above its base is 5m. [16]
6. (a) Discuss the advantages of tacheometric surveying over other methods.
(b) The following observations were taken with a tacheometer at the station P to
a staff at Q held normal to the line of sight. If the staff readings are 1.71,
2.64, and 3.57m and the angle of inclination is 29030’ determine the horizontal
distance between P and Q
Also determine the elevation of Q, if the instrument axis is R.L. of 200.00.
Take k=100 and C=0.50 [8+8]
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Code No: W0123/R07 Set No. 2
7. (a) What is a compound curve. If in a compound curve, the direction of the two
straights and one radius are known, deduce the formula for other radius.
(b) Tabulate the necessary data to set out a right handed simple circular curve of
600m radius to connect two straights intersecting at a chainage of 3605m by
Rankine’s method of deflection angles. The angle of deflection of the curve is
250 and the peg interval is 30m. [7+9]
8. What are the typical total station programs required to perform a variety of sur-
veying functions explain them briefly? [16]
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Code No: W0123/R07 Set No. 3
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Describe plane Table intersection method with the help of neat sketches. Un-
der what circumstances this method is resorted to.
(b) Explain the various sources of errors in plane Table Surveying. [8+8]
2. (a) Explain compensating and cumulative errors in chain Surveying.
(b) What are the Survey stations. How will you select them.
(c) A Survey line CD intersects a high building. To prolong the line beyond this
obstacle, a perpendicular DE, 200m long is set out at D. From E, two lines EF
and EG are set out at angles of 450 and 600 with ED respectively. Determine
the length of EF and EG in order that the points F and G may lie on the
prolongation of CD, and also find the obstructed length DF. [4+4+8]
3. (a) The following staff readings were observed successively with a level, the in-
strument having been moved after 3rd , 6th and 8th readings:
2.228, 1.606, 2.090, 2.864, 1.262
0.602, 1.982 1.044, 2.684 (m)
Enter the above readings in a page of a level book and calculate the R.L. of
points if the first reading was taken with a staff held on a bench mark of R.L.
432.384m. Use rise and fall method. [16]
4. With the help of neat sketches, explain the use of a contour map for the calculation
of earthwork. [16]
5. (a) What do you understand by ‘Temporary Adjustment’? Describe in brief the
various temporary adjustments of a Theodolite.
(b) Discuss the procedure of measuring a horizontal angle with a theodolite[8+8]
6. To determine the multiplying constant of a tacheometer, the following observations
were taken on a staff held vertically at distance measured for the instrument
Observation Horizontal distance(m) Vertical angle Staff intercept(m)
1 50 +30480 0.500
2 100 +10060 1.00
3 150 +00360 1.50
The focal length of the object glass is 20 cm and the distance from the object glass
to trunnion axis is 10 cm. the staff is held vertically at all these points. Find the
multiplying constant. [16]
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Code No: W0123/R07 Set No. 3
7. (a) What is a compound curve. If in a compound curve, the direction of the two
straights and one radius are known, deduce the formula for other radius.
(b) Tabulate the necessary data to set out a right handed simple circular curve of
600m radius to connect two straights intersecting at a chainage of 3605m by
Rankine’s method of deflection angles. The angle of deflection of the curve is
250 and the peg interval is 30m. [7+9]
8. What are the typical total station programs required to perform a variety of sur-
veying functions explain them briefly? [16]
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Code No: W0123/R07 Set No. 4
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Define Surveying. Explain its importance for civil Engineers.
(b) What is meant by Reconnaissance Survey.
(c) A Chain was tested before starting a survey and was found to be exactly 30m.
At the end of the Survey, it was tested again and found to measure 30.10m.
The area of the plan of the field drawn to a sale of 1cm = 20m was 160 square
centimeters. Find the true area of the field in square metres. [5+3+8]
2. (a) What are the essential differences between chain Survey and compass Sur-
vey. Under what circumstances compass Survey is preferred to other types of
(b) Find which station is free from local attraction and work out the correct
Line F.B B.B
AB 191o450 13o0000000
BC 39o300 22200003000
CD 22o150 20003000000
DE 242o450 6004500000
EA 330o150 14704500000
3. (a) What are the permanent adjustment of levels?
(b) Explain the principle of “reversion”.
(c) Name the principal lines in a dumpy level. List the conditions of adjustments.
4. (a) State and explain the sinpsons rule.
(b) How does it compare with other rules. [4+12]
5. The table below gives the lengths and bearings of the lines of a traverse ABCDEA,
the length and bearing of EA having been omitted. Calculate the length and
bearing of the line EA. [16]
Line Length (m) Bearing
AB 204.0 870300
BC 226.0 200200
CD 187.0 280000
DE 192.0 2100300
EA ? ?
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Code No: W0123/R07 Set No. 4
6. A tacheometer was set up at a station A and the readings on a vertically held
staff at B were 2.255, 2.605 and 2.955, the line of sight being at an inclination of
+8024’. Another observation on the vertically held staff at B.M. gave the readings
1.640, 1.920 and 2.200, the inclination of the line of sight being +106’. Calculate
the horizontal distance between A and B, and the elevation of B if the R.L of B.M
is 418.685 m. the constants of the instruments were 100 and 0.3. [16]
7. (a) List out different methods of setting out simple curves. Explain Rankine’s
method of deflection angles for setting out a simple curve.
(b) Calculate the offsets at 15m intervals along the tangents to set out a simple
circular curve of 300m radius. [8+8]
8. (a) What is Geodetic Surveying? How it is different from Plane surveying.
(b) Explain the importance of electronic surveying in the field of surveying.[8+8]
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Code No: W0221/R07 Set No. 1
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. With the help of neat diagram obtain the expression for the energy stored in a
magnetic system for a simple attracted armature type relay. Explain the operation
of system. [16]
2. (a) Explain the role of brushes in DC machines. What is the material used for
brushes? What is importance of brush pressure on performance of machine?
(b) A armature is wound with lap winding and 8 poles. There are 72 slots on the
armature surface and 8 conductors per slot. If the resistance of one conductor
is 2 m
, find the resistance of armature. Neglect the resistance of overhang.
Find the value of EMF induced if flux per pole is 60mwb and generator is
rotated at 300 rpm. [6+10]
3. (a) With a neat sketch explain the function of commutator in a d.c. machine.
(b) A 2-pole, 25KW, 220V wave-wound shunt generator has 400 armature con-
ductors. Brushes are given a lead of 4 commutator segments. Calculate the
demagnetization amp-turns/pole if shunt field resistance is 110
. Also calcu-
late extra shunt field turns/pole to neutralize the demagnetization. [8+8]
4. What is critical speed? How do you calculate the critical speed in laboratory. [16]
5. (a) What are the reasons for the parallel operation of DC generators?
(b) What are the conditions necessary for parallel operation of DC shunt genera-
(c) Explain the procedure of parallel operation of DC shunt generators. [4+4+8]
6. (a) Differentiate between generator action and motor action of a DC machine.
(b) Explain the applications of DC shunt and series motors with the help of their
characteristics and equations. [8+8]
7. (a) Explain the functions of NVC and OLC in 4 Point starter. What are the
advantages and limitations of this starter on 3 point starter?
(b) The EMF developed in the armature of a shunt generator at 1155 RPM is
240 Volts for a field current of 4.5 Amps and 255 V for a field current of 5
Amps. The generator is now used as a motor on a 260 V supply and takes an
armature current of 75 Amps. Find the motor speed, when the field current
is adjusted to 4.8 Amps, total armature resistance is 0.12
. [6+10]
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Code No: W0221/R07 Set No. 1
8. (a) A 110 V DC series motor has an armature resistance of 0.25
and series field
resistance of 0.2
. When the shaft torque is 28 Nm, the speed is 600 RPM. At
this speed core and mechanical losses together are equal to 350 W. Calculate
i. Torque required to overcome the losses.
ii. Armature current
iii. Total copper losses
iv. over all efficiency.
(b) Explain the various losses taking place in DC compound motor. How they
vary with load? [10+6]
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Code No: W0221/R07 Set No. 2
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. A electromechanical system, which is U shaped, is excited from a voltage source
= Vm sin !t. The core of the system is made of homogenous material of uniform
cross sectional area. Find the expression for average force experienced on the
armature, when the armature is held at a distance of x from the core. [16]
2. (a) What is an equalizer connection? What is necessity of equalizer connection?
(b) An 8 pole DC generator has per pole flux of 40mWb and winding is connected
in lap with 960 conductors. Calculate the generated EMF on open circuit
when it runs at 400 rpm. If the armature is wave wound at what speed must
the machine be driven to generate the same voltage. [8+8]
3. (a) Explain about demagnetizing Ampere turn per pole and Cross magnetizing
Ampere Turn per pole.
(b) What is the purpose of compensating winding? Explain in detail. [8+8]
4. What is critical speed? How do you draw magnetization characteristics in labora-
tory. [16]
5. (a) Explain clearly why an equilizer connection makes it possible for two com-
pound generators to operate in parallel in stable equilibrium.
(b) Discuss the necessity for parallel operation of generators. Explain the parallel
operation of DC Series generators. [8+8]
6. (a) Define torque. Derive the expression for torque developed by a D.C. motor
from fundamentals.
(b) Determine the torque developed when a current of 30A passes through the
armature of a motor with the following particulars: lap winding, 310 conduc-
tors, 4-pole, pole-shoes 16.2 cm long subtending an angle of 600 at the centre,
bore radius 16.2 cm, flux density in air gap 0.7 tesla. [8+8]
7. (a) A 220 V DC shunt motor, with an armature resistance of 0.1
is running at
1000 RPM and takes an armature current of 50 A. If the field flux is suddenly
reduced by 10%, obtain
i. the maximum value of current at this instant and the corresponding
ii. Ultimate speed and armature current after the transients are over. As-
sume constant load.
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Code No: W0221/R07 Set No. 2
(b) Explain the use of diverters in speed control of DC series motors. [10+6]
8. (a) Compare Swinburne’s test and Hopkinson’s test conducted on DC machines.
List the advantages and limitations of both the methods.
(b) The Hopkinson’s test on two DC machines gave the following results for full
load: line voltage 250 V, line current = 45 A excluding field currents, motor
armature current = 385 A, field currents 5 A and 4 A. Calculate the efficiency
of each machine. Armature resistance of each machine is 0.015
. [6+10]
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Code No: W0221/R07 Set No. 3
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. In a rotary device the inductances of coils with rotor poison at 45o are approximated
as L11= L22= 2+
2 1−

45o andL12=
2 1−

90o . Calculate the torque of field origin
if rotor is fixed at 45o and i1= 5 Amp and i2= 0. Also find the average torque, if
current in coil 1 is 5sin 314 t and coil 2 is short circuited. [16]
2. (a) What is an equalizer connection? What is necessity of equalizer connection?
(b) An 8 pole DC generator has per pole flux of 40mWb and winding is connected
in lap with 960 conductors. Calculate the generated EMF on open circuit
when it runs at 400 rpm. If the armature is wave wound at what speed must
the machine be driven to generate the same voltage. [8+8]
3. (a) Explain about demagnetizing Ampere turn per pole and Cross magnetizing
Ampere Turn per pole.
(b) What is the purpose of compensating winding? Explain in detail. [8+8]
4. What is critical field resistance? How do you calculate the critical field resistance
from magnetic characteristic in laboratory. [16]
5. (a) Is the magnetization characteristic similar for all types of DC generators. Jus-
(b) Two compound generators G1 and G2 fitted with an equilizing bar has gener-
ated e.m.f.’s of 250 V and 254 V, series field resistance of 0.008
and 0.012

and armature resistance of 0.02
and 0.04
respectively. They are operating
in parallel supply a load of 475A. Determine
i. current in each armature
ii. current in each series windingand
iii. Bus bar voltage. [8+8]
6. (a) Discuss Armature reaction and commutation in DC motors. Explain their
effects on the performance of the motor and give remedies to their effects.
(b) A 6-pole DC motor has a wave connected armature with 87 slots, each slot
containing 6 conductors. The flux per pole is 20 m.wb and the armature has
a resistance of 0.13 ohm when the motor is connected to 240V supply and the
armature draws a current of 80A driving a load of 15KW. Calculate
i. Speed
ii. Armature Torque and
iii. shaft Torque. [10+6]
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Code No: W0221/R07 Set No. 3
7. (a) What are the different speed control methods of DC Shunt motor? Explain
each method and enumerate advantages and disadvantages.
(b) A DC series motor is driving a fan load, whose torque varies a cube of speed.
The total armature and series field resistance is 1
. It takes 10 Amp from
200 V mains and runs at 1000 RPM. Find the resistance to be connected in
series with the motor to make it run at 800 RPM. [6+10]
8. (a) The following readings are obtained when performing a brake test on DC shunt
motor. Spring Balances, 08 kgs and 30 kgs. Diameter of drum = 42 cm. Speed
of the motor = 1000 rpm. Applied voltage = 220 V. Line current = 50 A.
Calculate out put power and efficiency.
(b) A 500 V DC shunt motor takes a current of 5 A on no-load. The resistances
of the armature and field circuit are 0.2
and 300
respectively. Find,
the efficiency when loaded and taking a current of 125 A and the percentage
change of speed. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: W0221/R07 Set No. 4
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. A electromechanical system, which is U shaped, is excited from a voltage source
= Vm sin !t. The core of the system is made of homogenous material of uniform
cross sectional area. Find the expression for average force experienced on the
armature, when the armature is held at a distance of x from the core. [16]
2. (a) What is an equalizer connection? What is necessity of equalizer connection?
(b) An 8 pole DC generator has per pole flux of 40mWb and winding is connected
in lap with 960 conductors. Calculate the generated EMF on open circuit
when it runs at 400 rpm. If the armature is wave wound at what speed must
the machine be driven to generate the same voltage. [8+8]
3. (a) Explain about demagnetizing Ampere turn per pole and Cross magnetizing
Ampere Turn per pole.
(b) What is the purpose of compensating winding? Explain in detail. [8+8]
4. (a) What is meant by voltage build-up of generator. Explain the various causes
for the failure of generator to build-up.
(b) What is classification of compound generators? Give their application.[10+6]
5. (a) Explain the exact procedure for connecting a shunt generator in parallel with
others already supplying a load.
(b) Six DC Shunt Generators are running in parallel. Each generator supplies a
load current o f 400A at 210V. The shunt field current of each generator is 4A
and the armature resistance of each generator is 0.04 ohm. If one generator is
suddenly switched off, determine the % change in terminal voltage, the total
load current being kept unchanged. [8+8]
6. (a) Distinguish between motor and generator action. Derive the equation for the
back e.m.f induced in a DC motor.
(b) A 6-pole DC motor has a wave connected armature with 87 slots, each slot
containing 6 conductors. The flux per pole is 20 m.wb and the armature has
a resistance of 0.13 ohm when the motor is connected to 240V supply and the
armature draws a current of 80A driving a load of 16KW. Calculate
i. Speed
ii. Armature Torque and
iii. shaft Torque. [10+6]
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Code No: W0221/R07 Set No. 4
7. (a) Explain the ’above normal speed’, speed control of DC motor. How this control
is achieved? Explain why speed is above normal?
(b) A 220 V series motor runs at 700 RPM when operating at full load current of 20
Amp. The motor resistance is 0.5
. Assume magnetic path is un-saturable.
What will be the speed if:
i. Load torque is increased by 44%
ii. Motor current = 10 Amp. [6+10]
8. (a) The following readings are obtained when performing a brake test on DC shunt
motor. Spring Balances, 08 kgs and 30 kgs. Diameter of drum = 42 cm. Speed
of the motor = 1000 rpm. Applied voltage = 220 V. Line current = 50 A.
Calculate out put power and efficiency.
(b) A 500 V DC shunt motor takes a current of 5 A on no-load. The resistances
of the armature and field circuit are 0.2
and 300
respectively. Find,
the efficiency when loaded and taking a current of 125 A and the percentage
change of speed. [8+8]
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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 1
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) What is meant by thermodynamic equilibrium? How does it differ from ther-
mal equilibrium?
(b) A mass of gas is compressed in a quasi static process from 80 KPa 0.1 m3 To
0.4 MPa, 0.03 m3. Assuming that the pressure and volume are related by PVn
= Constant, find the work done by the gas system. [8+8]
2. (a) What is a perpetual motion machine of the first kind? Is it possible?
(b) The work output and heat input involved by a system in process A are 20 kJ
and 15 kJ respectively. Another process B between the same end conditions
involves a heat input of 10kJ. Determine the change in internal energy involved
and also the work done in process B. Show that if a cycle is formed using
processes A and B, the given data is consistent with the first law. [4+12]
3. (a) Define entropy and show that for an irreversible process R ds >R Q/T
(b) In a certain heat exchanger, 50 Kg of water is heated per minute from 500C to
1100C by hot gases which enter the heat exchanger at 2500C. If the flow rate
of gases is 100 Kg/min, estimate the net change of entropy. Take Cp (water)
= 4.186 KJ/Kg-K and Cp (gas) = 1.0 KJ/Kg-K. [8+8]
4. In a closed vessel the 100 kg of steam at 100 KPa, 0.5 dry is to be brought to a
pressure of 1000KPa inside the vessel. Determine the mass of dry saturated steam
admitted at 2000 KPa for raising pressure. Also determine the final quality. [16]
5. (a) Define
i. Compressibility factor Z
ii. Isothermal compressibility.
(b) 1- kg of mole of O2 undergoes a reversible non-flow isothermal compression
and volume decreases from 0.2m3/kgto0.08m3/kg and the initial temperature
is 600C. The gas obeys Vander waal’s equation during the compression. Find
i. The work done during the process
ii. The final pressure.
Takea = 139250Nm4/(kg−mole)2; b = 0.0314m3/kg−mole;R = 8314n−
m/kgmoleK [7+9]
6. A mixture of ideal gases consists of 3 kg of Nitrogen and 5 kg of carbon dioxide at
a pressure of 4 bar and temperature of 250 C .Find
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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 1
(a) mole fraction of each constituent
(b) equivalent molecular weight of the mixture
(c) Equivalent gas constant of the mixture
(d) Partial pressure and partial volumes
(e) volume and density of the mixture
(f) Cp&Cv of the mixture. [16]
7. (a) Discuss the use of air standard cycle analysis for the study of internal com-
bustion engines.
(b) An engine of 250 mm bore and 375 mm stroke works on Otto cycle. The
clearance volume is 0.00263m3. The initial pressure is limited to 25 bar, find
the following: (i) The air standard efficiency of the cycle. (ii) The mean
effective pressure for the cycle. [6+10]
8. In an ammonia vapour compression system, the pressure in the evaporator is 2
bar. Ammonia at exit is 0.85 dry and at entry its dryness fraction id 0.19. During
comptression, the work done per kg of ammonia is 150kJ. Calculate the C.O.P
and volume of vapour entering the compressor per minute, if the rate of ammonia
circulation is 4.5kg/min. the latent heat and specific volume at 2 bar are 1325kJ/kg
and 0.58m3/kg respectively. [16]
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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 2
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Define the term property. State the differences between extensive, intensive
and specific properties of a thermodynamic system. Give few example for
(b) A mass of 2.5 kg of air is compressed in a quasi static process from 0.1 MPa to
0.7 MPa for which PV = constant. The initial specific volume is 0.80 m3/kg.
Find the work done by the piston to compress the air. [8+8]
2. (a) What are the practical difficulties associated with the use of ideal gas ther-
(b) A new temperature scale in Degree N is desired with freezing point at 1000
N and the boiling point at 4000N. Establish a correlation between degrees
Centigrade and degrees N. What will be the absolute temperature at 00N?
3. (a) State the limitations of first law of thermodynamics.
(b) What is a thermal energy reservoir?
(c) An engine operating on a Carnot cycle works with in temperature limits of
600 K and 300 K. If the engine receives 2000 KJ of heat, evaluate the work
done and thermal efficiency of the engine. [6+2+8]
4. (a) Define and explain the concept of triple point.? [6]
(b) Two boilers one with super heater and other without super heater are de-
livering equal quantities of steam into a common main. The pressure in the
boilers and main is 20 bar. The temperature of steam from a boilers with
a super heater is 3500C and temperature of the steam in the main is 2500C.
Determine the quality of steam supplied by the other boiler. Take Cp(steam)
= 2.25 KJ/Kg.K [10]
5. (a) What is compressibility factor. Sketch and discuss the salient features of the
generalized compressibility chart.
(b) 1 kg of air is initially at temperature of 100 C. If goes through the following
processes to complete a cycle.
i. Reversible adiabatic compression until the pressure is increased to 2.5
ii. Reversible heat addition at constant pressure. The addition of heat is to
controlled that initial volume is reached.
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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 2
iii. Constant volume process which returns the system to initial. Represent
P=V and T-S plots and calculate foe each process the work done and heat
exchange. What would be the efficiency of the cycle? [7+9]
6. Dry bulb and wet bulb temperature of moist air are found as 290C and 200 C
respectively. From the psychometric chart obtain:
(a) Humidity ratio
(b) Specific enthalpy
(c) Dew point temperature
(d) Specific volume of the mixture. [16]
7. (a) With the help of P-V diagram and T-s diagram explain Otto cycle clearly
showing the pressure during which the heat is supplied and rejected.
(b) The minimum pressure and temperature in a Otto cycle are 100 kPa and
27oC. The amount of heat added to the air per cycle is 1500 kJ/kg. (i).
Determine the pressure and temperatures at all points of air standard Otto
cycle. (ii). Calculate the specific work and thermal efficiency of the cycle for
a compression ratio of 8:1. [6+10]
8. The pressure limits of an air refrigeration system working on bell coleman cycle
is 4.3 bar aznd 1 bar. The temperature of air entering in to the compressor and
expander are −10C. and 270C. respectively. find
(a) COP of the cycle if the compression and expansion are isentropic.
(b) the ice making capacity in tones of ice for the air circulation through the
system is 13 kg/min and water is supplied at 0Cand ice formed at 00 and,
(c) piston displacement per minute for the compression and expansion [16]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 3
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Write the differences between system and control volume.
(b) A gas undergoes a reversible non-flow process according to the relation P =
(-3V+15)where V is the volume in m3 and P is the pressure in bar. Determine
the work done when the volume changes from 3 to 6 m3. [6+10]
2. A fluid is contained in a cylinder by a spring loaded, frictionless piston so that
the pressure in the fluid is linear function of volume (p = a+bv). The internal
energy of the fluid in kJ is given by the expression u = 32 + 3pv, where p is in kPa
and v is in m3. The initial and final pressures are 150 KPa and 350 KPa and the
corresponding volumes are 0.02m3 and 0.05m3. Make calculations for the direction
and magnitude of work and heat interactions. [16]
3. (a) What is the difference between the Gibbs function and the availability func-
tion? When these two functions are numerically equal?
(b) A mass of 0.25 Kg of air in a closed system expands from 2 bar and 600C to 1
bar and 400C, while receiving 1.05 KJ of heat from a reservoir at 1000C. The
surrounding atmosphere is at 0.95 bar and 270C. Determine the maximum
useful work. [8+8]
4. (a) Describe the process of formation of steam and give its graphical representation
(b) Steam enters an engine at a pressure 10 bar absolute and 2500C. It is exhausted
at 0.2 bar. The steam at exhaust is 0.9 dry. Find
i. Drop in enthalpy
ii. Change in enthalpy. [7+9]
5. (a) Derive an expression for heat transfer in a non-flow constant volume process.
(b) A spherical shaped of 14 M diameter contain ’H2’ at 330C and 1.3 bar. Find
the mass of ’H2’ in the balloon using real gas equation. [9]
6. (a) write short notes on
i. Dry bulb temperature
ii. Wet bulb temperature
iii. Dew bulb temperature
(b) A vessel contains at 1 bar and 200C a mixture of 1 mole of CO2 and 4 moles
of air. Calculate for the mixture
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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 3
i. The mosses of CO2,O2andN2 and the total mass
ii. The percentage carbon content by mass
iii. Apparent molecular weight and gas constant for the mixture
7. (a) What is the simplest way by which an IC engine cycle can be analyzed? Do IC
engines operate on a thermodynamic cycle? What is the use of air standard
cycle analysis?
(b) In an working on the Diesel cycle the ratio of the weights of air and fuel sup-
plied is 50:1. The temperature of the air at the beginning of the compression
is 600Cand the Compression ratio used is 15:1. What is the ideal efficiency of
the engine? Calorific value of fuel used is 42000kJ/kg. Assume Cp = 1.004
kJ/kg K and Cv= 0.717 kJ/kg K for air. [6+10]
8. A refrigeratiojn machine using R-12 as refrigerant operates between the pressures
2.5 bar and 9 bars. The compression is isentropic and there is no under cooling
in the condenser. The vapour is in dry saturated condition at the beginning of
the compression. Estimate the theoretical co-efficient of performance. If the actual
co-efficient of performance is 0.65 of theoretical value, calculate the net cooling pro-
duced per hour. The refrigerant flow id 5kg/min. take cpfor superheated vapour at
9 bar as 0.64kJ/kg K
Properties of refrigerant are: [16]
Pressure, bar Saturation Enthalpy,kJ/kg Entropy of
Temperature,0C saturated vapour
Liquid Vapour
9.0 36 70.55 201.88 0.6836
2.5 -7 29.62 184.5 0.7001
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 4
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) What are different forms of work energy? Explain each briefly.
(b) Why does free expansion have zero work transfer? [10+6]
2. (a) Make an energy analysis of the steam nozzle and heat exchanger.
(b) Refrigerant vapour enters the condenser of a refrigeration plant with enthalpy
223.75 KJ/kg and leaves with enthalpy 64.6 KJ/kg. Cooling water enters at
150C and leaves at 200C. Calculate the mass flow rate of water per unit flow
rate of refrigerant. Take for water Cp = 4.186 KJ/Kg-K. [8+8]
3. (a) State the limitations of first law of thermodynamics.
(b) What is a thermal energy reservoir?
(c) An engine operating on a Carnot cycle works with in temperature limits of
600 K and 300 K. If the engine receives 2000 KJ of heat, evaluate the work
done and thermal efficiency of the engine. [6+2+8]
4. (a) Feed water pump is used for pumping water from 300 C to a pressure of 200
Kpa determine the change in enthalpy assuming water to be incompressible
and pumping to be isentropic process? [8M]
(b) A rigid vessel contains liquid vapour mixture in the ratio of 3:2 by volume
determine quality of water vapour mixture and total mass of fluid in the vessel
if the volume of vessel is 2m3 and initial temperature is1500C. [8M]
5. (a) 1- kg of mole of 02 undergoes a reversible non-flow isothermal compression and
volume decreases from 0.25m3/kgto0.07m3/kg and the initial temperature is
700C. The gas obeys Vander waal’s equation during the compression. Find
i. The work done during the process
ii. The final pressure.
Takea = 139250Nm4/(kg−mole)2; b = 0.0314m3/kg−mole;R = 8314J/kg
mole K
(b) Explain perfect gas laws. [10+6]
6. (a) The gravimetric analysis of a gaseous mixture follows C02is15%,O2is8%andN2is77%.
i. The volumetric analysis
ii. Molecular weight.
iii. The gas constant for the mixture.
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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 4
(b) Air has dry bulb temperature 270C and wet bulb temperature of 200C .The
barometer reads 1 bar, calculate
i. The humidity ratio
ii. The relative humidity
iii. Dew point temperature
iv. The enthalpy of the mixture per kg of dry air. [8+8]
7. (a) Discuss the use of air standard cycle analysis for the study of internal com-
bustion engines.
(b) An engine of 250 mm bore and 375 mm stroke works on Otto cycle. The
clearance volume is 0.00263m3. The initial pressure is limited to 25 bar, find
the following: (i) The air standard efficiency of the cycle. (ii) The mean
effective pressure for the cycle. [6+10]
8. (a) Write the differences between refrigerator and heat pump? Deribe the COP
for both of them?
(b) The capacity of refrigerator is 280 tons. Determine the quantity of icec pro-
duced at 00C with in 24 hours when water is supplied at a temperature of
200C. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
2 of 2
Code No: X0423/R07 Set No. 1
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering and Electronics &
Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Define and sketch the following elementary signals
i. Unit impulse signal
ii. Unit Step signal
iii. Signum function
(b) Explain the Analogy of vectors and signals in terms of orthogonality and
evaluation of constant. [6+10]
2. (a) Derive polar Fourier series from the exponential Fourier series representation
and hence prove that Dn = 2 |Cn|
(b) Show that the magnitude spectrum of every periodic function is Symmetrical
about the vertical axis passing through the origin. [8+8]
3. (a) State and prove time convolution and time differentiation properties of Fourier
(b) Find and sketch the Inverse Fourier Transform of the Waveform shown in
figure 3b. [8+8]
Figure 3b
4. (a) Explain how input and output signals are related to impulse response of a LTI
(b) Let the system function of a LTI system be 1
jw+2 . What is the output of the
system for an input (0.8)t u (t). [8+8]
5. (a) State and Prove Properties of cross correlation function.
(b) If V(f) = AT sin 2 fT/2 fT find the energy contained in V(t). [8+8]
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Code No: X0423/R07 Set No. 1
6. (a) A low pass signal x(t) has a spectrum x(f) given by
x(f) =
1 − |f| /200 |f| < 200
0 elsewhere
Assume that x(t) is ideally sampled at fs=300 Hz. Sketch the spectrum of
x (t)for |f| < 200.
(b) The uniform sampling theorem says that a band limited signal x(t) can be
completely specified by its sampled values in the time domain. Now consider
a time limited signal x(t) that is zero for |t| T. Show that the spectrum
x(f) of x(t) can be completely specified by the sampled values x(kfo) where
f0 1/2T. [8+8]
7. (a) The impulse response of a network is given by
h(t) = 0.24 (e−0.36t − e−2.4t). Determine the step response V0(t).
(b) Find inverse laplace transform of s+1
Re {S} > −1. [8+8]
8. (a) A finite sequence x[n] is defined as x[n] = {5,3,-2,0,4,-3} Find X[Z] and its
(b) Consider the sequence x[n] = an
0 n N − 1, a > 0
Find X[Z].
(c) Find the Z-transform of x(n) = cos(n!)u(n). [5+5+6]
? ? ? ? ?
2 of 2
Code No: X0423/R07 Set No. 2
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering and Electronics &
Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Define and sketch the following elementary signals
i. Unit impulse signal
ii. Unit Step signal
iii. Signum function
(b) Explain the Analogy of vectors and signals in terms of orthogonality and
evaluation of constant. [6+10]
2. (a) State the properties of Fourier series.
(b) Obtain the trigonometric fourier series representation for a half wave rectified
Sine wave shown in figure 2 [6+10]
Figure 2
3. (a) Obtain the Fourier transform of the following functions:
i. Impulse function (t)
ii. DC Signal
iii. Unit step function.
(b) State and prove time differentiation property of Fourier Transform. [12+4]
4. (a) Explain how input and output signals are related to impulse response of a LTI
(b) Let the system function of a LTI system be 1
jw+2 . What is the output of the
system for an input (0.8)t u (t). [8+8]
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Code No: X0423/R07 Set No. 2
5. Find the power of periodic signal g(t) shown in figure 5c. Find also the powers of
(a) -g(t)
(b) 2g(t)
(c) g(t).
Figure 5c
6. (a) A signal x(t)= 2 cos 400 t + 6 cos 640 t. is ideally sampled at fs = 500Hz.
If the sampled signal is passed through an ideal low pass filter with a cut off
frequency of 400 Hz, what frequency components will appear in the output.
(b) A rectangular pulse waveform shown in figure 6b is sampled once every TS
seconds and reconstructed using an ideal LPF with a cutoff frequency of fs/2.
Sketch the reconstructed waveform for Ts = 1
6 sec and Ts = 1
12 sec. [8+8]
Figure 6b
7. (a) Find the inverse Laplace transform of the following:
i. s2+2s+5
(s+3)(s+5)2 Re(s) > −3
ii. 2s+1
s+2 Re(s) > −2
(b) Find the laplace transform of sin !t . [10+6]
8. (a) A finite sequence x[n] is defined as x[n] = {5,3,-2,0,4,-3} Find X[Z] and its
(b) Consider the sequence x[n] = an
0 n N − 1, a > 0
Find X[Z].
(c) Find the Z-transform of x(n) = cos(n!)u(n). [5+5+6]
? ? ? ? ?
2 of 2
Code No: X0423/R07 Set No. 3
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering and Electronics &
Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Define and discuss the conditions for orthogonlity of functions.
(b) Prove that sinusoidal functions are orthogonal functions. [8+8]
2. (a) Explain about even and odd functions.
(b) Obtain the trigonometric fourier series for the periodic waveform as shown in
figure 2 [6+10]
Figure 2
3. (a) Obtain the Fourier Transform of the following:
i. x(t) = A Sin (2 fct) u(t)
ii. x(t) = f(t) Cos (2 fct + )
(b) State and prove the following properties of Fourier Transform [8+8]
i. Multiplication in time domain
ii. Convolution in time domain.
4. (a) Explain the characteristics of an ideal LPF. Explain why it can’t be realized.
(b) Differentiate between causal and non-causal systems. [12+4]
5. (a) State and Prove Properties of auto correlation function?
(b) A filter has an impulse response h(t) as shown in figure 5b The input to the
network is a pulse of unit amplitude extending from t=0 to t=2. By graphical
means determine the output of the filter. [8+8]
Figure 5b
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Code No: X0423/R07 Set No. 3
6. (a) The signal x(t) with Fourier transform x(j!) = u(!)−u(!−!0) can undergo
impulse train sampling without aliasing, provided that the sampling period
T < 2 /!o. Justify.
(b) Determine the Nyquist rate of the following signal
x(t) = sin 4000 t
t 2
(c) Determine the Nyquist sampling rate and Nyquist sampling interval for the
signal sin c(50 t), sin c(100 t). [5+5+6]
7. (a) Determine the laplace transform of signal shown in figure 7a.
Figure 7a
(b) Find the step response of series RL circuit.
(c) Find the step response of series RC circuit. [6+5+5]
8. (a) State & Prove the properties of the z-transform.
(b) Find the Z-transform of the following Sequence.
x[n] = an u[n] [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
2 of 2
Code No: X0423/R07 Set No. 4
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering and Electronics &
Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Explain orthogonality property between two complex functions f1(t) and f2(t)
for a real variable t.
(b) Discuss how an unknown function f(t) can be expressed using infinite mutually
orthogonal functions. Hence, show the representation of a waveform f(t) using
trigonometric fourier series. [6+10]
2. (a) Write short notes on “Exponential Fourier Spectrum”.
(b) Find the Fourier series expansion of the periodic triangular wave shown figure
2. [6+10]
Figure 2
3. (a) Obtain the Fourier transform of the following functions:
i. Impulse function (t)
ii. DC Signal
iii. Unit step function.
(b) State and prove time differentiation property of Fourier Transform. [12+4]
4. (a) Explain how input and output signals are related to impulse response of a LTI
(b) Find the impulse response for the RL filter shown figure 4b. [8+8]
Figure 4b
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Code No: X0423/R07 Set No. 4
5. (a) A signal y(t) given by y(t) = C0 +
Cn cos(n!ot + n). Find the auto
correlation and PSD of y(t).
(b) Find the mean square value (or power) of the output voltage y(t) of the system
shown in figure 5b. If the input voltage PSD. S2(!) = rect(!/2). Calculate
the power (mean square value) of input signal x(t). [8+8]
Figure 5b
6. (a) What is aliasing? Explain its effect on sampling.
(b) State and prove sampling theorem. [8+8]
7. (a) Determine the Laplace transform and the associate region convergence for
each of the following functions of time.
i. x(t) = 1 0 t 1
ii. x(t) =
t 0 t 1
2 − t 1 t 2
(b) State and prove initial value theorem of L.T. [10+6]
8. (a) Find the Z-transform of an cos(n!)u(n)
(b) Find the inverse Z-transform of X(Z) = 2+Z3+3Z−4
Z2+4Z+3 |Z| > 0
(c) Find the Z-transform of the following signal with the help of linearity and
shifting properties.x(n) = 1 for0 N − 1
0 elsewhere
. [5+5+6]
? ? ? ? ?
2 of 2
Code No: X0523
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Com to CSE, ECC)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) How is object-oriented programming different from structured programming?
Consider a suitable example to support your answer. (8M)
b)What is an inline function? What are its advantages? Discuss two different ways to
make a function inline. Can you make all functions inline? Justify your answer. (8M)
2. a) What is polymorphism? How is run-time polymorphism supported in C++? Explain
with suitable example. (8M)
b) What is function overloading? How does compiler resolve the invocation of the
overloaded functions? (8M)
3. Describe the operations on a singly linked list. (16M)
i) Inserting a node into the list
ii) Deleting a node from the list
4. a) What is a hash function? Explain briefly. (8+8M)
b) Write briefly about dictionary ADT. Mention some applications
5. a) Write ADT for a max priority queue and briefly explain each of the operations.
b) Write the member function ( or function template) for the insertion in a priority queue
in C++ using heaps. What is the complexity for this operation? (11M)
6. a) State the four properties which define a non-empty binary search tree (BST). (6M)
b) If N elements are inserted into a BST, what is the worst case height of the Tree. Give
an example figure for such a tree when N is 5. (4M)
c) Give an example (figure with height 3) for a full BST. (6M)
7. a) Define red-black tree? Give the properties of red-black tree. (8+8M)
b) Write pseudo code for right rotate in red black tree.
8. Write an algorithm for Brute Force pattern matching and analyze it time complexity with
suitable example. (16M)

Code No: X0523
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Com to CSE,ECC)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Explain the following with examples in the context of C++:
a) constructors and destructors (4+4M)
b) Garbage collection and Dynamic memory allocation (4+4M)
2. a) Explain the concept of virtual function. (8M)
b) What is Template? Discuss on member function templates. (8M)
3. Write a program for Stack using a C++ Template (16M)
4. a) List out dictionary ADT methods (6+10)
b) Define hash code map. Write the types of hash code map.
5. a) What is the difference between a heap and a binary tree? (2M)
b) Give an example figures (height 4) for max heap and min heap (8M)
c) Give a figure of a binary tree( height 4) which is not a heap and state why it is
not a heap (6M)
6. a) What is an Indexed Binary Search Tree(BST) ? (4M)
b) Write the ADT specification for an Indexed BST. (6M)
c) Write the class definition for BST in C++. (6M)
7. Consider the length of the root-to-external-node path be the number of pointers on the
path. If P and Q are two two-root-to-external paths in a red-black tree, then prove that
length(P) £ 2length(Q). (16M)
8. Write an algorithm for Boyer Moore pattern matching and analyze it time complexity
with suitable example. (16M)

Code No: X0523
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Com to CSE,ECC)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) What is an access specifier? Briefly discuss the access specifiers in C++. (8M)
b) Discuss the different storage classes in C++. (8M)
2. With suitable example, explain the following:
(a) Multiple Inheritance (8M)
(b) I /O manipulators (8M)
3. Describe Queue using a C++ Template (16M)
4. a) Illustrate Linear probing with an example (8+8M)
b) Explain Searching operation with Linear Probing
5. a) Compare the worst case complexity for insertion operation in binary search tree and a
heap. (4M)
b) Assuming integral priority numbers write a C++ program to implement priority queue
using heap (12M)
6. a) Give an example ( figure with height 3 ) for a complete binary search tree
(BST) which is not full (4M)
b) Write a C++ function template for inserting an element into a BST.
What is the complexity (on the average and worst case)? (10+2M)
7. Consider h be the height of red black-tree (excluding external nodes), n be the number of
internal nodes in the tree and r be the rank of root
Prove that (5+5+6M)
(a) h £ 2r
(b) n ³ 2r-1
(c) h £ 2log2(n+1)
8. Write an algorithm for KMP pattern matching and analyze it time complexity with
suitable example. (16M)

Code No: X0523
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Com to CSE,ECC)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Write a C++ program to accept a 5 digit number and report whether it is divisible by
3, 5, 7, 9 or not. (8M)
b) Describe the Friend function (8M)
2. a) What is containership? How does it differ from inheritance? (8M)
b) How is cout able to display various types of data without any special instructions? 8M)
3. a)Give the Abstract class specification of a linear list (10M)
b) Let L=(a,b,c,d) be Linear list. What is the result of the following operations.?
i) empty(), ii)size(), iii)get(2), iv) indexOf(a), v) erase(2), vi) Insert(2,f) (6M)
4. a) Illustrate double hashing with an example (8+8M)
b) Analyze the performance of hashing, Mention some application.
5. a)With an example briefly explain multiway merging. (8M)
b) Draw max heap figure with the same nodes as above. If the root is now deleted explain
the steps required to retain the priority queue structure (8M)
6. a) If there are 63 nodes in binary search tree (BST) what is the maximum possible height
and what is the minimum possible height? Explain the relation between height and
complexity for the operations. (6M)
b) Write the function template in C++ for searching an element in a BST. (10M)
7. a) Write pseudo code for right rotate in red black tree
b)Write a insertion algorithm for red black tree. Also analyze its complexity. (8+8M)
8. What is trie ? Explain the properties of standard tries. (16M)

Code No: W0822
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
a) Write down the important quantitative separation methods and explain some of the
factors to analyse compound by precipitation method.
b) What are advantages and disadvantages and their general applications for
quantitative analysis? (8+8M)
a)What do you mean by primary and secondary standards and their characteristics.
b) Write down the types of titrations and discuss in detail acid-base titrations. (8+8M)
a) State and explain the following principles. (4M)
(i) Lambert’s law (ii) Beer’s law
b) How can you distinguish the different oxidation states of Iron and Chromium in
their alloys by using UV-VISIBLE spectrophotometer? (4M)
c) What is the function of each of the following components of an UV-Visible
(i) Radiation source (ii) Photo tube (iii) Filters (iv) Grating (4M)
d) Describe the deviations from Beer’s law. (4M)
a)Explain the selection rules of IR Spectroscopy (4M)
b) What are the important components of the IR spectrometer and draw the block
diagram of FT-IR. (8M)
c)How do you distinguish aldehydes and ketones using IR spectroscopy. (4M)
Define the term chromatography and write about different types of chromatography
Write the principles of gas chromatography; draw a block diagram and function of
Each Component (16M)
7. a) What types of species can be separated by HPLC? (6M)
b) Describe the various kinds of pumps used in HPLC? (10M)
8. a) Define Hardness of water? And Explain Types of Hardness of water? (8M)
b) What are the different units in which the hardness of water is expressed and
explain their relation? (8M)

Code No: W0822
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) What are the types of precipitates and explain neatly about Co precipitation.
b) What are conditions to follow to minimize coprecipitation. (8+8M)
2. Explain the following theories of acid-base indicators and how to select proper indicator.
i)Ostwald’s theory
ii)Modern quinoid theory (8+8M)
3. a)Derive the mathematical statement of Beer-Lamberts law? (4M)
b)How can you determine the chromium in steel by using UV-Visible pectrophotometer?
c)Draw a neat diagram of UV-Visible spectrophotometer and write the components
present in it? (4M)
d)Write the differences between absorbance and molar absorptivity? (4M)
4. a)What is the Principle of IR spectroscopy? Describe the transitions in IR Spectroscopy.
b)What are the sources and detectors of IR, how you calibrate IR spectrometer. (6M)
c)What are the IR bands in n-Octene? (4M)
5. Write the principle of planar chromatography and discuss the development techniques
involved in planar chromatography (16M)
6. Write the instrumentation of GC with neat labled diagram (16M)
7. a) Define the following terms used in chromatography
(i) Mobile Phase, (ii) Plate Height, (iii) Stationary Phase, (iv) Elution (10M)
b) Describe a method for determining the number of plates in a column? (6M)
8. a) Explain the basic principle involved in estimation of hardness of water by EDTA
method? (8+8M)
b) A sample of water contains CaSo4 13.6 mg/L, CaH(Co3)2 32.4mg/L, Mg(HCo3)2 29.2
mg/L and MgCl2 30mg/L. Calculate temporary hardness and permanent hardness?

Code No: W0822
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Discuss about organic precipitants (8+8M)
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages for organic precipitants.
2. a)Explain Redox (Oxidation-reduction) titrations with suitable examples (8+8M)
b)On the basis of use of indicators, Classify redox indicators. And explain any one of
) Describe the radiation sources used in UV-Visible spectrophotometer? (4M)
b) What are absorbance, transmittance and reflectance? What is the difference between
c) How can you distinguish the different oxidation states of metals by using UV-Visible
spectrophotometer? (4M)
d) Describe the deviations from Beer’s law? (4M)
4. a) Describe the regions in IR and explain the types of vibrations in IR Spectroscopy?(6M)
b)Draw a schematic diagram of interfereogram and how it functions. (6M)
c)Describe different the sampling techniques in IR spectrometry. (4M)
5. Write the principle of thin layer (TLC) chromatography and discuss the development
techniques involved in planar chromatography (16M)
6. a) Write a note on the detectors used in GC (8M)
b) Explain the terms retention time and retention volume (8M)
7. Draw the schematic diagram of HPLC and explain instrumentation of HPLC? (16M)
8. a) What are the requirements to estimate hardness of water by EDTA method? (6M)
b) A bore water contains the following dissolved salts in mg/L MgSo4 9.0, MgCl2 5.7,
Ca(HCo3)2 4.86, Mg(HCo3)2 7.3 and CaSo4 6.8. Calculate Temporary, Permanent hardness
of water in PPm?

Code No: W0822
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

a) What are the conditions to follow for precipitation (8M)
b) Write short note on following (4+4M)
i) Co precipitation, ii) Post – precipitation
a) Explain in detail the complexometric titrations and their indicators (8+8M)
b) Give an account for the theories of titrations , indicators and their structures to estimate
ores and alloys
a) Calculate the following parameters for 2000 0A wavelength of radiation?
(i) Frequency, (ii) Wave number, (iii) Energy (1+1+2M)
b) Describe the advantages of spectrophotometry? (4M)
c) Describe an equation for the simultaneous determination of chromium and manganese
by using spectrophotometry? (8M )

a) Calculate the approximate frequency and wave number of C-H stretching vibration
from the following data: Force Constant = 5x105gm/Sec2; Mass of Carbon atom =
20x10-24gm; Mass of hydrogen atom = 1.6x10-24gm. (6M)
b)What are the factors effecting vibrational frequencies? Explain with suitable example.
5. Write the principle of paper chromatography and discuss the development techniques
involved in planar chromatography (16M)
a) compare GC with ordinary column chromatography (8M)
b) Discuss the terms tailing and fronting (8M)
a) Discuss the different types of detectors used in HPLC? (8M)
b) What is chromatography? Explain importance of chromatographic Tech.? (8M)

8. Discuss in detail to estimate hardness of water by EDTA method? (16M)

Code No: X1221
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov,- 2009
(Com to IT, CSS)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) Explain about constructors and destructors in C++
b) Discuss in detail about inline functions. (8+8)
2. a) Explain with an example about operator overloading.
b) Discuss about streams I/O in detail. (8+8)
3. a) Define algorithm .Write an algorithm for finding maximum number. Also find time
complexity for this algorithm.
b) Implement the list ADT in C++. (8+8)
4. a) What is skip list? Explain about skip list representation and perform operation on skip
b) Discuss open addressing in detail. (8+8)
5. a) Discuss clearly about polyphase merging.
b) Clearly discuss model for external sorting. (8+8)
6. a) Implement binary search tree in C++ and perform operations on binary search tree.
b) Give implementation of red-black trees in C++. (8+8)
7. a) Implement a simple C++ code for Strassen’s matrix multiplication.
b) Explain binary search technique using divide and conquer technique. Implement C++
code for binary search technique. (8+8)
8. a) Write Sollin’s algorithm and explain that by tracing a graph to find minimum cost
spanning tree.
b) Consider the knapsack instance n=3, (w1,w2,w3) = (2,3,4), (p1,p2,p3) = (1,2,5), and m=6
then Using dynamic programming find optimal solution for the following knapsack
problem. (8+8)

Code No: X1221
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov,- 2009
(Com to IT,CSS)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) Discuss about parameter passing methods in detail.
b) What is class? Explain about class members in detail. (8+8)
2. a) What is inheritance? Discuss different types of inheritance in detail with an example
for each.
b) Discuss abstract class in detail and explain this with an implementation. (8+8)
3. a) Explain about stack ADT and implement this in C++.
b) Discuss omega and theta notation in detail. (8+8)
4. a) Explain hashing and how to represent a hash table. Implement in C++.
b) Discuss dictionaries in detail. Explain their significance. (8+8)
5. a) Clearly give definition ,ADT and implementation of Priority queues.
b) What are applications of priority queues? Explain in detail. (8+8)
6. a) What is AVL tree? Give definition for AVL tree. What is height of an AVL tree.
b) Compare and contrast different search trees. (8+8)
7. a) Explain the procedure and also implement Merge sort in C++ using Divide and
Conquer technique and also find the time complexity.
b) Explain in detail about weighing rule and collapsing rule for union in sets.
8. Use function OBST to compute w(i,j),r(i,j) and c(i,j), 0<=i<j<=4, for the identifier set
(a1,a2,a3,a4)=(cout, float, if, while) with
p(1)=1/20,p(2)=1/5,p(3)=1/10,p(4)=1/20,q(0)=1/5,q(1)=1/10,q(2)=1/5,q(3)=1/20 and
q(4)=1/20.Using r(i,j)s , construct the optimal binary search tree (8+8)

Code No: X1221
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov,- 2009
(Com to IT, CSS)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) Briefly explain dynamic memory allocation and deallocation in C++.
b) Explain about access control in C++. (8+8)
2. a) Discuss function and class templates in detail.
b) Briefly explain about runtime polymorphism using virtual functions with an example.
3. a) Explain how to analyze performance of an algorithm. Explain this by taking an
algorithm and analyze.
b) Discuss in detail about the representation of sparse matrix. Also specify the
significance of sparse matrix representation. (8+8)
4. a) Explain in detail about linear and quadratic probing..
b) Give comparison of hashing and skip lists. Give example for each. (8+8)
5. a) Define priority Queue. Realize a priority queue using heaps.
b) Discuss in detail about external sorting with an example. (8+8)
6. a) Explain in detail about red-black trees and splay trees with an example for each .
b) Implement and perform operations on binary search tree in C++. (8+8)
7. a) Explain Quick sort technique and Show that the time complexity of quick sort is
b) Discuss efficient non recursive tree traversal techniques in detail. (8+8)
8. a) Prove that greedy solution always generates optimal loadings in container Loading
b) Which minimum cost spanning tree algorithm is to be selected. Explain why you
prefer that algorithm. (8+8)

Code No: X1221
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov,- 2009
(Com to IT,CSS)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. a) Explain exception handling mechanism in C++.
b) With C++ discuss friend functions in detail. (8+8)
2. a) With an example explain in detail about base and derived classes.
b) Illustrate function overloading with an example. (8+8)
3. a) Implement queue ADT using template classes in C++.
b) Give a detailed note on notation for time complexities. (8+8)
4. a) Explain about collision resolution in detail. (8+8)
b) Implement linear list and perform insertion, deletion and searching operations in C++.
5. a) Implement multiway merge and explain this with an example.
b) Give definition, insertion, deletion operations for priority queues. (8+8)
6. a) Discuss about B- trees and implement operations on B-trees.
b) What is a balanced search tree? Represent AVL trees and perform operations on AVL
trees. (8+8)
7. a) Start with the segment [5,3,8,4,7,1,0,9,2,10,6,11]
and draw a figure to show that the status of this segment following each step that is done.
Also show the segment after the pivot is properly placed. Use 5 as the pivot.
b) Explain the procedure of finding biconnected components clearly. (8+8)
8. a) Explain job sequencing with deadlines problem with an algorithm and also
implement this in C++.
b) Use dynamic programming recurrence for the matrix chains problem to compute c(i,j)
and kay(i,j), 1 i j q for q for q=5 and r=(100,10,100,2,50,4).
What is the cost of the best way to multiply the q matrices? Use the kay values to
determine that best way to multiply the q matrices. (8+8)

Code No: W2223
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Instrumentation and Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Compare the functionalities, merits and demerits between open loop and closed-loop
systems. (8 M)
b) Obtain the mathematical model for the following mechanical system. (8M)
2. a) Derive the transfer function for D.C servo motor. (8M)
b) Consider the block diagram shown below figure. Using the block diagram reduction
method, find Y/R. (8M)
3. a) Explain the time domain specification of second order system with unit step input
b)A unity feedback system is characterized by an open loop transfer function

Determine the gain K so that the system will have a damping
ratio of 0.5. For this value of K determine settling time, peak over shoot and time to
peak over shoot for a unit step input. (6+10M)
4. a) state and explain the Routh’s stability criterion (6+10M)
b) Sketch the root locus of a feedback system whose open loop transfer function is given
( ) ( )
( + 2) ( + 3)
s s s
G s H s
1 of 2

Code No: W2223
5. a)Derive the expressions gain cross over and phase margin of standard second order
system (8M)
b) Explain the steps to construct Bode Plots (8M)
6. What is a polar plot? Construct polar plot for the G(s)H(s) =1/ [s(1+Ts)] (4+12M)
7. a) Derive the transfer function of lag compensation and draw its bode plot (8+8M)
b) Explain the PID controllers
8. a) What are the merits of state space analysis (6+10M)
b) Construct a state model for a system characterized by the differential equation,
6 11 6 0 2
+ + + y + u =
d y
d y
Give the block diagram representation of the state model.
2 of 2

Code No: W2223
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Instrumentation and Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Explain with a neat sketch about basic structure of a feedback control system with all
its functional components. (7M)
b) For the given lever system, determine the equation relating f and x (9M)
2. a) Derive the transfer function for A.C servo motor. (8M)
b) Find the transfer function of the signal flow graph. (8M)
3. a) Derive the expression for time domain specifications of second order system with unit step
b) Consider the Closed loop transfer function given by (8+8M)
( )
( ) 2 2
2 n n
s w s w
R s
C s
+ +
Determine the value of V and ‘wn’ so that the system responds to a step input with
approximately 5% over shoot and with a settling time of 2 sec.
4. a) Explain the construction rules for root focus technique (8+8M)
b) Using Routh criterion, determine the stability of the system represented by the
characteristic equation 8 18 16 5 0 4 2 2 s + s + s + s + = . Comment on the location of the roots
of characteristic equation.
1 of 2

Code No: W2223
5. a) Comment on relative stability in frequency domain. (10M)
b) Determine the frequency domain specifications of a second order system who’s closed
loop transfer function is given by (6M)
( )
( ) 10 64
2 + +
R s S s
C s
6. What is a polar plot? Construct polar plot for the G(s)H(s) =1/ s(1+Ts) ` (4+12M)
7. a) What is the need of compensation (4+12M)
b) Explain the procedure for the design of lag-lead compensator
8. a) Explain the controllability and observability of linear control system (6+10M)
b) Determine the state equations of the network shown in below Figure

Code No: W2223
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Instrumentation and Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. A load having moment of inertia J and frictional coefficient B is driven through a gear as
shown in below figure, obtain its transfer function
( )
T (s)
q s
. (16M)
2. (a) Explain the term ‘synchro’ and also explain the features of Synchro-Transmitter and
Synchro Control transformer. (8M)
b) For the electrical network shown below figure, draw the signal flow graph and hence
determine V0(s)/V1(s). (8M)
3. a) Explain the important time response specifications of a standerd second order system
to a unit step input (6+10M)
b) For a negative feedback control system G(s) =
s(0.45 1)
and H(s) =
s 4
. Using
generalized error series determine the steady state error of the system when the input
applied is r (t) = 1+3t+4t2
1 of 2

Code No: W2223
4. a) Define and derive the breakaway point on the root focus (8+8M)
b) Construct Routh array and determine the stability of the system whose characteristic
equation is 2 8 12 20 16 16 0 6 5 4 2 2 s + s + s + s + s + s + =
5. Discuss the effect of quadratic on the construction of bode plot (16 M)
6. What is a polar plot? Construct polar plot for the G(s) H(s) =1/ [(1+T1s)(1+T2 s)] (4+12M)
7. For the given open loop transfer function, G(s) =
s(s 4) (s 6)
+ +
. (16M)
Design suitable lead compensation so that phase margin is ³ 40o and velocity error
constant, Kv ³ 20
8. a) The state equations of the LTIV system are given by (16M)



0 1
2 0


u ; y = [ ] 0 1

(i) determine the STM
(ii) find the solution for y(t) and
(iii) If a unit step is given to the input, what will be the behaviour of the output
2 of 2

Code No: W2223
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Instrumentation and Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Explain the effects of feedback in a closed loop control systems. (16M)
2. A torque controller uses a split field motor for position control. The error detector gain
is 10 V per radian error and the amplifier transconductance is 100 mA/V. The motor
torque constant is 5 x 10-4 Nm/mA. The moment of inertia and the coefficient of viscous
friction at the motor shaft are respectively 1.25 x 10-5 kg-m2 and 5 x 10-4Nm/ (rad/sec).
The motor is coupled to the load through a gear having a ratio 20:1. Draw the block
diagram of the system showing the transfer function of each block and determine the
overall transfer function relating output and input. (16 M)
3. a) Derive the time response of second order under damped system due to unit step input
b) Find the step, ramp and parabolic error coefficients and their corresponding steady
state errors for unity feedback control system having the transfer function (8+8M)
G (s) =
s(s 5)(s 2s 5)
14(s 3)
2 + + +
4. Sketch the root locus plot of unity feedback system with an open loop transfer function
G(s) =
s(s + 2)(s + 4)
. Find the range of K for the system to have damped oscillatory
response. Determine the value of K so that the dominant pair of complex poles of the
system has a damping ratio of 0.5. Corresponding to this value of K, determine the
closed loop transfer function in the factored form.

5. A unity feedback system has g(s)= K/s(1+Ts) .When subjected to unit step input shows
25% peak overshoot while it shows resonant frequency at 8 rad/sec in frequency
domain. Determine K and T. Also calculate i) gc ii) phase margin iii) resonant peak
1 of 2

Code No: W2223
6. What is a polar plot? Construct polar plot for the G(s)H(s) =1/ s(1+T1s)(1+T2 s) (4+12M)
7. A unit feed back system has an open loop transfer function G(s) =.
s(s 1)(0.2s 1)
+ +
Design a phase lag compensator to meet the following specifications.
Velocity error constant = 8
Phase margin ³ 40o (16M)
8. a) Derive the expression of STM using Laplace transform (6+10M)
b) Determine the state controllability and observability of the system is
A =

0 4
1 0
, B =

,C =[1 3]
2 of 2

Code No: W2324
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov,- 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Explain the mechanism of sex determination in Drosophila melanogaster.
2. Write short notes on
(a) Marleons hypothesis
(b) Fragile-X syndrome
3. What is bacterial transformation? Explain with examples the process of transformation.
4. Write about the extra chromosomal inheritance with supporting examples.
5. How does the gene interaction lead to changes in Mendel’s ratios?
6. Explain the following
(a) Sex factors in bacteria
(b) Organisation of genetic material in Prokaryotes
7. List out the different events that occur during the Lysogenic life cycle of Bacteriophages.
8. Write about
(a) Karyotyping
(b) Dihybrid ratios

Code No: W2324
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov,- 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Give in detail the concept of uniparental inheritance in Algae.
2. Write short notes on
(a) Chromosome aberrations
(b) Down’s syndrome
3. List out the events that occur during bacterial conjugation.
4. Describe the process of sex determination in plants?
5. Genetic materials are identified with the classical experiments. Explain in detail.
6. Explain the following
(a) Euchromatin
(b) Test cross
7. Write in detail about the packing of DNA and its organization in Prokaryotes and
8. Explain the sex differentiation and development in humans.

Code No: W2324
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov,- 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. What are the different types of ratios and the laws of inheritance that Mendel has evolved
surrounding these ratios.
2. Explain the different sex factors of bacteria and the mechanism that is involved in their
3. Write in detail about the genetic material organization in
(a) Prokaryotes
(b) Eukaryotes
4. What is mitotic crossing over? What is the basis of analysis of mapped genes?
5. List out the events involved during Transduction in bacteria.
6. Describe the mechanism of sex determination in Insects.
7. Explain the following
(a) Dosage compensation
(b) Classical experiment of Avery Mcleod
8. Write about the petite phenotypes of Yeast?

Code No: W2324
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov,- 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Write in detail about
(a) Linkage
(b) Crossing over
2. List out the events involved in the Lytic life cycle of Bacteriophages
3. How are the sex linked disorders passed on to the progeny in humans? Explain with
respect to Haemophilia.
4. Give the basic laws of inheritance based on the different types of ratios that Mendel has
5. Describe the process of recombination in bacteria.
6. What are Nucleosomes? Explain the Euchromatin and Heterochromatin organization of
7. Explain the following
(a) Abortive Transduction
(b) Chromosome aberrations
8. Write short notes on
(a) Tetrad analysis by mitotic crossing over
(b) Hershey-chase experiment


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