Thursday, 23 June 2011

I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009

Code No: Z0125/R07 Set No. 1
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Mechatronics, Computer
Science & Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Production
Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Instrumentation & Control
Engineering and Bio-Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Solve (3y + 2x +4) dx - (4x+6y+5) dy = 0.
(b) Bacteria in a culture grows exponentially so that the initial number has dou-
bled in three hours. How many times the initial number will be present after
9 hours. [8+8]
2. (a) Solve y00 - 2y0 +2y = x + ex cosx
(b) Find the Particular Integral (D2 -3D +2) y = 2 ex cos x
2 . [8+8]
3. (a) Determine whether the hypothesis of Rolle’s theorem hold for
f(x) = x3
x−1 if x 6= 1 x 2 [−2 , 3]
−6 ifx = 1
(b) If x = u2
, y = 2
u find @(u, )
@(x,y) . [8+8]
4. (a) Find the radius of curvature of r = a
1+cos at(r, ).
(b) Trace the curve y2 = x3. [8+8]
5. (a) Find the volume of the solid when ellipse x2
a2 + y2
b2 = 1, (0 < b < a) rotates
about minor axis.
(b) By transforming into polar coordinates evaluate RR x2y2
x2+y2 dxdy over the annular
region between the cirles x2 + y2 = a2 and x2 + y2 = b2, with b>a. [8+8]
6. (a) Examine the convergence of
1. 3
32+1. 3
32 . 5
40 . + 1. 3
32 . 5
40 . 7
48 + .....
(b) Test the convergence of
P [ ( n + 1)1/3 - n1/3 ] / n [8+8]
7. (a) Find the work done in moving a particle by the force ~F = 3x2~i +(2xz−y)~j+z ~k
along the line joining (0,0,0) to (2,1,3)
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Code No: Z0125/R07 Set No. 1
(b) Using Green’s theorem evaluate RC
(2xy − x2) dx + (x2 + y2) dy where C is the
closed curve of the region bounded y = x2 and y2 = x. [8+8]
8. (a) When n is a positive integer, show that
L [ t n ] = n!/ s n + 1
(b) Find the Laplace transform of f ( t ), where f ( t ) is given by
f ( t ) = cos ( t -2 /3 ), t >2 /3 and f( t) = 0 for t < 2 /3. [8+8]
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Code No: Z0125/R07 Set No. 2
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Mechatronics, Computer
Science & Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Production
Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Instrumentation & Control
Engineering and Bio-Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Solve (1 + y2) + (x − etan−1
x) dy
dx = 0.
(b) Show that the system of confocal and coaxial parabolas y2 = 4a (x + a) is self
orthogonal. [8+8]
2. (a) Solve (D3 - 3D2 + 4D -2) y = ex
(b) Solve (2D2 + 3D + 2) y = cosh2x. [8+8]
3. (a) Verify Rolle’s Theorem for f(x) = x2
x+2 in [0, 4].
(b) Find the points on the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = 4 that are closest and farthest
from the point (3, 1, -1). [8+8]
4. (a) Show that the evolute of the curve x = a(cos + sin ) , y = a(sin − cos )
is a circle.
(b) Find the centre of curvature of x2
a2 − y2
b2 = 1 at the point (a sec , b tan ) [8+8]
5. (a) Evaluate RRR xyz px2+y2+z2 taken throughout the volume of the sphere x2 +y2 +
z2 = a2
(b) Evaluate RR xy dxdy dx dy dz over the region in the positive quadrant bounded
by the line 2x + 3y = 6. [8+8]
6. (a) Examine the convergence or divergence of
Px2n - 2/ ( n + 1 )n1/2 , x > 0.
(b) Examine the convergence or divergence of
P (n!)2
(n+1)! xn, x > 0. [8+8]
7. (a) If ~r is the position vector of the point (x,y,z), prove that r2(rn) = n(n+1)rn−2.
(b) Use Gauss divergence theorem to evaluate RR
(yz2~i +zx2~j+2z2~k)·d~S , where S
is the closed surface bounded by the xy-plane and the upper half of the sphere
x2 + y2 + z2 = a2 above this plane. [8+8]
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Code No: Z0125/R07 Set No. 2
8. (a) Find L [ (eat - cos 5t )/t ].
(b) Find L [
t e - t sin 2t ]. [8+8]
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Code No: Z0125/R07 Set No. 3
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Mechatronics, Computer
Science & Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Production
Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Instrumentation & Control
Engineering and Bio-Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Solve dz
dx + z
x log z = z
x2 (logz)2
(b) Find the Orthogonal trajectories of the cardiods r = a(1-cos ) for different
values of a. [8+8]
2. (a) Solve (D2+2D+2) y = e−x + sin 2x
(b) Solve the equation (D2 -2D + 2)y = ex tan x. [8+8]
3. (a) Using Rolle’s theorem show that g(x) = 8x3-6x2 - 2x +1 has a zero between 0
and 1.
(b) If u = yz
x v = xz
y , w = xy
z find @(u, ,w)
@(x,y,z) . [8+8]
4. (a) Find the envelope of y = mx + pa2m2 + b2 where ‘m’ is a parameter.
(b) Trace the curve r = a sin3 . [8+8]
5. (a) Evaluate
(b) Find the surface area of the solid generated by revolving the arc of the parabola
x2 = 12y, bounded by its latus rectum about y-axis. [8+8]
6. (a) Examine the convergence of
P 22.42.62....(2n)2
(b) Examine the convergence of
P( n3 - 5n2 + 7 ) /( n5 + 4n4 - n ) [8+8]
7. (a) Find the scalar potential such that ~F = r where ~F = 2xyz3~i + x2z3~j +
3x2yz2 ~k
(b) Find the work done by a force ~F = (x2 − y2 + x)~i − (2xy + y)~j which moves
a particle in xy-plane from (0,0) to (1,1) along the parabola y2 = x. [8+8]
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Code No: Z0125/R07 Set No. 3
8. (a) Using Laplace transform evaluate
te - t sin t dt.
(b) Using Laplace transform, solve ( D2 +4D +5)y = 5, given that
y(0) = 0, y00 (0 ) = 0. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Z0125/R07 Set No. 4
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Mechatronics, Computer
Science & Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Production
Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Instrumentation & Control
Engineering and Bio-Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Solve dy
dx + y = y2 log x.
(b) Find the Orthogonal trajectories of family of curves given by y = k x2, where
K is arbitrary. [8+8]
2. Solve (D2 - 4D +4) y = e2x + cos2x + ex sin 2x. [16]
3. (a) Find the region in which f(x) = 1
p9 − x2 is increasing and the region in which
it is decreasing using Mean Value Theorem.
(b) Determine whether the functions
u = x
y−z v = y
z−x , w = z
are dependent. If dependent, find the relationship between them. [8+8]
4. (a) Find the radius of curvature of x = ae [sin − cos ] , y = ae [cos − sin ]
at = 0.
(b) Trace the curve y2 (a-x) = x3, (a>0) [8+8]
5. (a) Find the surface area of the solid obtained by revolving the cycloid
x = a(t + sin t), y = a(1 + cos t) about its base(x axis)
(b) By changing the order of integration, evaluate
x dxdy. [8+8]
6. (a) Examine the convergence of
Ppn tan - 1 ( 1/ n3 )
(b) Examine the convergence of
P [ (n + 1) /np ] [8+8]
7. Show that ~F = (exz − 2xy)~i − (x2
− 1)~j + (ex + z)~k is conservative field. Hence
evaluate R
~F · d~r where the end points of C are (0,1,-1) and (2,3,0). [16]
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Code No: Z0125/R07 Set No. 4
8. (a) Using Laplace transform evaluate
te - t sin t dt.
(b) Using Laplace transform, solve ( D2 +4D +5)y = 5, given that
y(0) = 0, y00 (0 ) = 0. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Z0102/R05 Set No. 1
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Mechatronics, Computer
Science & Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Production
Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Instrumentation & Control
Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Test the convergence of the series
12 − 2
1 −1
+ 33
23 − 3
2 −2
+ 44
34 − 4
3 −3
..... [5]
(b) Show that the series sin x
1 − sin 2x
22 + sin 3x
33 + .....1 converges absolutely. [5]
(c) If f (x) = log 2 sin x
2 + log x , prove that
2 log 2 cos x
2 + 1
x = 0 for some
x2(1,2) [6]
2. (a) If x+y+z=u, y+z=uv, z=uvw, then evaluate @(x,y,z)
(b) If 1 and 2 are radii of curvatures of any chord of the cardioids r=a(1+cos )
which passes through the pole, then show that 21
+ 22
= 16a2
9 . [8+8]
3. Trace the curve : y2(a–x) = x2 (a + x ). Find the volume of the solid obtained by
rotating the loop of this curve about the x- axis. [16]
4. (a) Form the differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constants
(b) Solve the differential equation y(2xy+ex)dx-exdy=0.
(c) A body kept in air with temperature 25 oC cools from 140 oC to 80 oC in
20minutes. Find when the body cools down to 35 oC. [4+6+6]
5. (a) Solve the differential equation: (D2 + 1)y = e−x + x3 + ex sinx.
(b) Solve (D2 + 4)y = sec2x by the method of variation of parameters. [8+8]
6. (a) Prove that L [ 1
t f(t) =
f(s) ds where L [f(t) ] = f (s)
(b) Find the inverse Laplace Transformation of 3(s2
2 s5
(c) Evaluate s s (x2 + y2) dxdy over the area bounded by the ellipse x2
a2 + y2
b2 = 1
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Code No: Z0102/R05 Set No. 1
7. (a) If 1 = x2z, 2 = xy – 3z2, then find r( r 1 . r 2 )
(b) Evaluate RC
F . d r where F = z i + x j + y k and C is x = a cost, y = a sint,
z = t
2 from t = 0 to t = 1. [8+8]
8. Verify divergence theorem for F = 4xz i – y2 j + yz k, where S is the surface of the
cube bounded by x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1, z = 0 and z = 1. [16]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Z0102/R05 Set No. 2
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Mechatronics, Computer
Science & Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Production
Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Instrumentation & Control
Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Test the convergence of the following series
1 + 3
1x + 3.6
7.10x2 + 3.6.9
7.10.13 x3 + .... x > 0 [5]
(b) Test the following series for absolute /conditional convergence
P (−1)n.n
−2 [5]
(c) Expand ex secx as a power series in x up to the term containing x3 [6]
2. (a) If x = u cosv , y = u sinv prove that @(x,y)
@(u,v) . @(u,v)
@(x,y) = 1.
(b) Find the envelope of the family of ellipses x2
b2 = 1 where the two parameters
are connected by the relation a + b = c where c is a constant. [8+8]
3. (a) Trace the Folium of Decartes : x3 + y3 = 3axy.
(b) Find the surface area generated by rotating the arc of the catenary
y = a cos(x/a) from x = 0 to x = a about the x-axis. [8+8]
4. (a) Form the differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constant ‘c’:
y = 1 + x2 + cp1 + x2.
(b) Solve the differential equation:
dx + (y – 1) cos x = e−sinxcos2x.
(c) The temperature of cup of coffee is 92 0C, when freshly poured the room
temperature being 24 0C. In one minute it was cooled to 80 0C. How long a
period must elapse, before the temperature of the cup becomes 65 0C. [3+7+6]
5. (a) Solve the differential equation: d3y
dx3 + 4dy
dx = sin 2x.
(b) Solve the differential equation: x2 d2y
dx2 − 2x dy
dx − 4y = x4. [8+8]
6. (a) Evaluate
e−t sin2 t
t dt using Laplace transforms
(b) Use convolution theorem to evaluate L−1 h s
(s2+4)2 i
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Code No: Z0102/R05 Set No. 2
(c) Evaluate
(x2+y2) by transforming into polar cordinates [5+6+5]
7. (a) If a is a constant vector, evaluate curl((axr)/r3) where r=xi+yj+zk and r=|r|.
(b) Evaluate RRS
A.n ds for A=(x+y2)i - 2xj + 2yzk and S is the surface of the
plane 2x+y+2z=6 in the first octant. [8+8]
8. (a) Apply Green’s theorem to evaluate HC
(2xy − x2)dx + (x2 + y2)dy,
where “C” is bounded by y = x2 and y2 = x.
(b) Apply Stoke’s theorem to evaluate RC
(y dx + z dy + x dz)
where ‘C’ is the curve of the intersection of the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = a2 and
x + z = a. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Z0102/R05 Set No. 3
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Mechatronics, Computer
Science & Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Production
Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Instrumentation & Control
Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Test the convergence of the following series P (2n+1)
n3+1 xn , x > 0. [5]
(b) Test the following series for absolute /conditional convergence
(−1)n log n
(c) Verify cauchy’s mean value theorem for f(x) = ex and g(x) = e−x in [a,b] [6]
2. (a) If u=x2-y2, v=2xy where x=r cos , y=rsin show that @(u,v)
@(r, ) = 4r3.
(b) For the cardioid r=a(1+cos ) prove that 2
r is constant, where is the radius
of curvature. [8+8]
3. (a) Trace the curve y2 = x2(a−x)
a+x .
(b) The part of the parabola y2 = 4ax cut off by the latus-return revolves about
the tangent at the vertex. Find the surface area of revolution. [8+8]
4. (a) Form the differential equation of the family of curves log (y+a) = x2+c , c is
the parameter.
(b) Solve the differential equation: 3dy
dx – y cosx = y4(sin2x – cosx).
(c) An object whose temperature is 75 0C cools in an atmosphere of constant
temperature 25 0C at the rate k , being the excess temperature of the body
over the atmosphere. If after 10 minutes the temperature of the objects falls
to 650 C. Find its temperature after 20 minutes. Find the time required to
cool down to 55 0C. [3+7+6]
5. (a) Solve the differential equation: (D3 + 1)y = cos(2x - 1).
(b) Solve the differential equation: (D2 + 1)y = cosx by the method of variation
of parameters. [8+8]
6. (a) Find the Laplace Transformation of the following function: t e−t sin2t.
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Code No: Z0102/R05 Set No. 3
(b) Using Laplace transform, solve y00+2y0+5y = e−t sint, given that
y(0) = 0, y0(0) = 1.
(c) Evaluate
x(x2 + y2) dxdy [5+6+5]
7. (a) Show that F = ( z2+2x+3y) i + (3x +2y + z) j + (y+2zx) k is irrotational.
Hence find the corresponding scalar potential such that F = r .
(b) Evaluate RR
F . ds where F = xy i − x2 j + (x + z) k and S is the region of
the plane 2x + 3y + z = 6 bounded in the first octant. [8+8]
8. Verify divergence theorem for F =2xzi + yzj + z2k over upper half of the sphere
x2+y2+z2=a2. [16]
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Code No: Z0102/R05 Set No. 4
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Computer Science & Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Mechatronics, Computer
Science & Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Production
Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Instrumentation & Control
Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Test the convergence of the series
12 − 2
1 −1
+ 33
23 − 3
2 −2
+ 44
34 − 4
3 −3
..... [5]
(b) Show that the series sin x
1 − sin 2x
22 + sin 3x
33 + .....1 converges absolutely. [5]
(c) If f (x) = log 2 sin x
2 + log x , prove that
2 log 2 cos x
2 + 1
x = 0 for some
x2(1,2) [6]
2. (a) Find the stationary points of the following function ‘u’ and find the maximum
or the minimum value
u = x2 + 2xy + 2y2 + 2x + y
(b) Find the envelope of the family of circles x2 + y2 – 2ax cos – 2ay sin = c2
( is a parameter ) [8+8]
3. (a) Trace the Cissoid of Diocles : y2 (2a–x) = x3.
(b) Show that the surface area of the spherical zone contained between two parallel
planes of distance ‘h’ units apart is 2 ah, where ‘a’ is the radius of the sphere.
4. (a) Form the differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constant
secy + secx = c + x2/2.
(b) Solve the differential equation:
(2y sin x + cos y ) dx = (x siny + 2 cosx + tany ) dy.
(c) Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family: rn sin n = bn. [3+7+6]
5. (a) Solve the differential equation (D2+4)y=ex+sin2x.
(b) Solve the differential equation (x2D2–x D+1)y=logx. [8+8]
6. (a) Prove that L [ 1
t f(t) =
f(s) ds where L [f(t) ] = f (s)
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Code No: Z0102/R05 Set No. 4
(b) Find the inverse Laplace Transformation of 3(s2
2 s5
(c) Evaluate s s (x2 + y2) dxdy over the area bounded by the ellipse x2
a2 + y2
b2 = 1
7. (a) Prove that ¯ F=(2x+yz)i +(4y+zx)j – (6z–xy)k is solenodal as well as orrota-
tional. Also find the scalar potential of ¯ F
(b) Evaluate R
¯ Fdt where ¯ F=(x–y)i+(y–2x)j and C is the closed curve in the xy
plane x=2cost, y=3sint from t=0 to 2 [8+8]
8. Verify divergence theorem for F = x3 i + y3j + z3 k taken over the surface of the
sphere x2+y2+z2= a2. [16]
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Code No: Y2301/R05 Set No. 1
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Draw the block diagram of an 8-bit, 8-word RAM system and explain briefly
its operations.
(b) Compare serial and parallel memory with respect to the speed of reading and
writing. [10+6]
2. (a) Define the terms:
i. Throughput
ii. Turnaround time
iii. Swapping.
(b) What are the main features of MS-DOS and UNIX operating system? [6+10]
3. (a) Draw a Flowchart for the following
The average score for 3 tests has to be greater than 80 for a candidate to qualify
for the interview. Representing the conditional logic for generating reject
letters for all candidates who do not get the required average and interview
call letters for the others.
(b) Explain the basic structure of C program. [6+10]
4. (a) In what way array is different from an ordinary variable?
(b) What conditions must be satisfied by the entire elements of any given array?
(c) What are subscripts? How are they written? What restrictions apply to the
values that can be assigned to subscripts?
(d) What advantage is there in defining an array size in terms of a symbolic
constant rather than a fixed integer quantity?
(e) Write a program to find the largest element in an array. [2+2+4+4+4]
5. What do you mean by functions? Give the structure of the functions and explain
about the arguments and their return values. [16]
6. (a) Explain the different ways of passing structure as arguments in functions.
(b) Write a C program to illustrate the method of sending an entire structure as
a parameter to a function. [6+10]
7. Declare two queues of varying length in a single array. Write functions to insert
and delete elements from these queues. [16]
8. Write a bioperl program that takes a set of (related sequences) in FASTA format.
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Code No: Y2301/R05 Set No. 1
(a) aligns them using ClustalW
(b) converts them to PHYLIP format. [8+8]
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Code No: Y2301/R05 Set No. 2
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. With a neat diagram explain the working of an execution unit of a CPU. [16]
2. (a) What are time sharing systems? Explain time sharing using timing diagram.
(b) What is batch operating system? Explain batch mode of operation using
timing diagrams. [8+8]
3. (a) What is the purpose of the if-else statement? In what way is this statement
different from the while, the do-while and the for statements.
(b) A cloth showroom has announced the following seasonal discounts on purchase
of items:
Purchase amount Discount
Mill items Handloom items
0-100 - 5%
101-200 5% 7.5%
201-300 7.5% 10.0%
above 300 10.0% 15.0%
Write a C program to read purchase extent and calculate discount. Also print
the purchase amount and discount. [6+10]
4. (a) Write a program to sort the set of strings in an alphabetical order?
(b) How are multidimensional arrays defined? Compare with the manner in which
one-dimensional arrays are defined. [12+4]
5. Write a C program that uses a function to sort an array of integers. [16]
6. (a) What is a structure? How is it declared? How it is initialized?
(b) Define a structure to represent a data. Use your structures that accept two
different dates in the format mmdd of the same year. And do the following:
Write a C program to display the month names of both dates. [6+10]
7. Write in detail about the following:
(a) Recursion
(b) Applications of Queues [8+8]
8. Write a bioperl script to identify restriction enzyme sites for a given sequence.[16]
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Code No: Y2301/R05 Set No. 3
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) What are the types of voice recognition system? What does ”training” such
a system, mean?
(b) What are transducers? Name any five physical properties that are commonly
measured by transducers. [8+8]
2. (a) Distinguish between Windows 95 and Windows NT.
(b) Explain the important features of PC operating systems. [6+10]
3. (a) Describe the two different forms of the if-else statement. How do they differ?
(b) Compare the use of the if-else statement with use of the ?: operator. In
particular, in what way can the ?: operator be used in place of an if-else
(c) Admission to a professional course is subject to the following conditions:
i. marks in maths >= 60.
ii. marks in physics >= 50.
iii. marks in chemistry >= 40.
iv. total in all three subjects >= 200.
Given the marks in three subjects, write a C program to process the applica-
tion to find whether eligible or not. [6+4+6]
4. (a) Write a C program to do Matrix Multiplications.
(b) Write in detail about one dimensional and multidimensional arrays. Also write
about how initial values can be specified for each type of arrays? [10+6]
5. What do you mean by functions? Give the structure of the functions and explain
about the arguments and their return values. [16]
6. (a) What is a structure? How is it declared? How it is initialized?
(b) Define a structure to represent a data. Use your structures that accept two
different dates in the format mmdd of the same year. And do the following:
Write a C program to display the month names of both dates. [6+10]
7. Write a program to convert a postfix expression to a fully parenthesized infix ex-
pression. For example, AB+ would be transformed in to (A+B) and AB+C- would
be transformed into ((A+B)-C). [16]
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Code No: Y2301/R05 Set No. 3
8. Write a bioperl script that runs clustalw on a given protein FASTA file (use the
any protein file as example). [16]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: Y2301/R05 Set No. 4
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. With a neat diagram explain the working of an execution unit of a CPU. [16]
2. Give a neat sketch showing major components of Unix OS and explain functions
of each of them. [16]
3. (a) C program contains the following declarations and initial assignments.
int i=8, j=5, k;
float x=0.005, y = - 0.01, z;
char a,b,c=‘d’,d=‘c’;
Determine the value of each of the following assignment expressions.
i. i -=(j>0) ? j:0; y
ii. a = (y>=0)? y : 0
iii. i += (j-2);
iv. z = (j ==5) ? i : j
(b) What are the increment and decrement operators? Explain with proper ex-
ample with differentiates prefix and postfix operations. [4+6+6]
4. (a) Write a C program to do Matrix Multiplications.
(b) Write in detail about one dimensional and multidimensional arrays. Also write
about how initial values can be specified for each type of arrays? [10+6]
5. Write a C program that uses a function to sort an array of integers. [16]
6. (a) What is a structure? How is it declared? How it is initialized?
(b) Define a structure to represent a data. Use your structures that accept two
different dates in the format mmdd of the same year. And do the following:
Write a C program to display the month names of both dates. [6+10]
7. Declare two queues of varying length in a single array. Write functions to insert
and delete elements from these queues. [16]
8. Write a bioperl program that takes a sequence and finds homologs from SwissProt
using remote blast. [16]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: A9905/RR RR
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics,
Metallurgy & Material Technology, Production Engineering, Aeronautical
Engineering and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Draw a Diagonal scale of R.F 3:100, showing meters, decimeters and centimeters
and to measure up to 5 meters. Show the length of 3.69 meters on it. [16M]
2. A circle of 60 mm diameter rolls on a horizontal line for half a revolution clock -
wise and then on a line inclined at 60 degrees to the horizontal for another half,
clock - wise. Draw the curve traced by a point P on the circumference the circle,
taking the top most point on the rolling circle as generating point in the initial
position. [16M]
3. The front view of a line AB measures 65 mm and makes an angle of 45 degrees
with xy . A is in the H.P. and the V.T. of the line is 15 mm below the H.P. The
line is inclined at 30 degrees to the V.P. Draw the projections of AB and find its
true length and inclination with the H.P. Also locate its H.T. [16M]
4. A cone of base diameter 60 mm and altitude 75mm lies on the HP on one of its
generators. The plan of the axis is inclined at 450 to the VP. Draw its projections.
5. A cone of base diameter 50 mm and axis length 70 mm rests with its base on HP.
A section plane perpendicular to V.P and inclined at 35o to HP bisects the axis of
the cone. Draw the development of the truncated cone. [16]
6. Draw the isometric projection of a Frustum of hexagonal pyramid, side of base 30
mm the side of top face 15mm of height 50 mm. [16]
7. Convert the orthogonal projections shown in figure1 below into an isometric view
of the actual picture. [16M]
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Code No: A9905/RR RR
Figure 1:
8. Draw the perspective view of a right regular hexagonal prism, edge of base 25 mm
and 60 mm long lying on ground on one of its rectangular faces such that its axis
is inclined at 30o to the picture plane and one of its vertical edges touching the
picture plane. The station point is 80 mm in front of the picture plane, and lies
in a central plane bisecting the axis. The horizon is in the level of the rectangular
faces of the prism. [16M]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: A9910/RR RR
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics
& Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Information
Technology, Electronics & Control Engineering, Computer Science &
Systems Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer
Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Derive the expression for the electro static deflection sensitivity in the case of
(b) Compare electro static and electro-magnetic deflection sensitivity in all re-
spects. [8+8]
2. (a) Explain the following terms
i. Storage time
ii. Transitive time
iii. junction capacitance.
(b) Calculate the dynamic forward and reverse resistance of a p-n junction diode
when the applied voltage is 0.25V at T=300K Given Io = 2μA. [8+8]
3. (a) What is a rectifier? Show that a PN diode acts as a rectifier.
(b) Draw the circuit diagram for a half wave rectifier and explain its operation.
(c) Explain the various types of filters used in power supplies. [4+6+4]
4. (a) Explain the mechanism of current flow in a PNP and NPN Transistor
(b) In a transistor operating in active region, although the collector Junction is
reverse - biased, the collector current is quite large Explain. [10+6]
5. (a) What is load line?. Discuss how the load line can be drawn on the Ic-Vce
characteristics for a bipolar transistor amplifier.
(b) What is of a transistor?.
(c) Draw a graph showing the variation of with emitter current in a BJT.
6. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of CE amplifier with emitter resistance and obtain its
equivalent hybrid model and derive expressions for AI ,R1,AV use approximate
(b) Determine Av,AI ,Ri,RO for CE amplifier using n-p-n transistor with
hie = 1200
hre = 0 hfe = 36 hoe = 2 × 10−6mho RL = 2.5k

RS = 500
(neglect the effect of biasing circuit) [8+8]
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Code No: A9910/RR RR
7. (a) Explain the concept of feedback as applied to electronic amplifier circuits.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of positive and negative feedback?
(b) With the help of general block diagram explain the term feedback.
(c) Define the following terms in connection with feedback. [6+4+6]
i. Return difference feedback.
ii. Closed loop voltage gain.
iii. Open loop voltage gain.
8. (a) Derive an expression for frequency of oscillation of transistorized Colpitts os-
(b) A quartz crystal has the following constants. L=50mH, C1=0.02PF, R=500

and C2=12PF. Find the values of series and parallel resonant frequencies. If
the external capacitance across the crystal changes from 5PF to 6PF, find the
change in frequency of oscillations. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: A0803/RR RR
I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, November 2009
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Explain the water softening process lime soda process.
(b) Explain the Farady’s laws qualitatively and quauitatively. [8+8]
2. (a) Explain a combined detailed flow diagram of a process.
(b) State the different forms of energy associated with mass.
(c) Write the general energy balance equation for a flow system. [4+4+8]
3. Explain how pressure drops can be calculated for isothermal viscous flow? [16]
4. Write about the different methods of feeding with figures? [16]
5. (a) Write the relation between individual and overall mass transfer coefficients
and also mention units of each.
(b) Briefly explain design of packed adsorption column. [6+10]
6. (a) With a neat sketch briefly explain the construction and working principle of
Bubble - Cap plate column.
(b) Give some industrially important packing materials used in packed column.
7. (a) Explain the term distribution coefficient with respect to liquid-liquid extrac-
tion, for both dilute solutions and concentrated solutions.
(b) Describe the multistage extraction process for separation of a liquid mixture
consisting of two components A and B. [6+10]
8. Discuss in detail about the various types of adsorption equipment. [16]
? ? ? ? ?
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